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Joe Biden Is A Shameless Hypocrite

Joe Biden Is A Shameless Hypocrite

Did you catch Joe Biden’s sanctimonious reaction to Donald Trump’s felony conviction last week?

This clueless man’s speechwriters actually shoved him in front of the cameras to tut-tut about how unAmerican it was for Trump - or anyone - to denounce the New York show trial run by a political hack in a robe.

“It’s reckless, it’s dangerous, it’s irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don’t like the verdict,” Biden huffed. “Our justice system has endured for nearly 250 years, and it literally is the cornerstone of America.”

“We should never allow anyone to tear it down.”

Talk about lacking in self-awareness. Look in the mirror, Joe.

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane to see how much respect and reverence Biden gives the U.S. Supreme Court, shall we?

At every opportunity, Biden - the panderer in chief - brags about how he’s openly defying the highest court in the land.

And here’s that unforgettable moment during his most recent State of the Union address when Biden insulted the Supreme Court justices to their faces.

In fact, Biden was joined by a Greek chorus of top Democrats in 2022 in denouncing the Supreme Court decisions that had the left clutching their pearls. They’ve been threatening to pack the court to get the decisions they want and they tirelessly attempt to get Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas to recuse themselves from various cases by lobbing insults at them.

For his part, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called the student debt decision “disappointing and cruel” and accused the court of being run by “MAGA Republicans.”

Here’s Schumer’s statement:

This disappointing and cruel ruling shows the callousness of the MAGA Republican-controlled Supreme Court. The hypocrisy is clear: as justices accept lavish, six-figure gifts, they don’t dare to help Americans saddled with student loan debt, instead siding with the powerful, big-monied interests.

“The fight will not end here. The Biden administration has remaining legal routes to provide broad-based student debt cancellation.

Oh, and here’s a press release from Senator Peter Welch of Vermont, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, from a year ago denouncing Supreme Court decisions he disagreed with “a disgrace.” Welch was responding to decisions handed down by the Supreme Court that he said “disable affirmative action, roll back LGBTQ+ anti-discrimination protections, and overturn the Biden-Harris Administration’s student debt relief program”: 

The Supreme Court decisions released this week are unacceptable and indefensible. The Court’s right-wing majority has rolled back rights and protections for people of color, LGBTQ+ people, women, students, and future generations.  

“We won’t have the wool pulled over our eyes: the truth of the matter is that yesterday this Court banned affirmative action under the guise of equal protection, and today they legalized discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community. That logic does not add up. These decisions are a disgrace.”

Last month Axios reported Biden’s latest round of court bashing:

The Supreme Court justices "made a mistake" when they chose to overturn Roe v. Wade and end federal protections for abortion, President Biden said during an interview on MSNBC's "The Saturday Show with Jonathan Capehart."

Why it matters: The comments mark the second time in days that Biden has directly criticized the court over the Dobbs ruling, after he admonished the court's decision during his State of the Union address Thursday.

State of play: "I think they made a wrong decision. I think they read the Constitution wrong. I think they made a mistake," Biden said in the interview.

Yep, the C-student who graduated near the bottom of his class from a second-rate law school impugned the reputations and judgment of learned justices who graduated with honors from the finest law schools in the country.

THEY read the Constitution wrong? Biden can barely read.

Undermining confidence in the Supreme Court actually is reckless, dangerous and irresponsible.

In fact, it should be disqualifying.

The fact that you loathe the Supreme Court should at least result in the humility to back off from criticizing your chief political rival who was prosecuted at your urging by Democrat political apparatchiks in the New York justice system.

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