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Trump Assassination Attempt Was Inevitable

Trump Assassination Attempt Was Inevitable

Why is anyone surprised that a would-be assassin shot Donald Trump in the head yesterday?

After eight years of the radical left calling Donald Trump “Hitler,” “dangerous” and “an existential threat to democracy” is it any wonder some unhinged gunman decided to try to take him out? And in the process killed a member of the audience and critically injured another?

This was two days ago in Michigan. Just listen to Biden’s incendiary language:

“A threat to this nation”? Geezus. Any wonder some lunatic tried to save the nation for Biden?

If Trump incited January 6th, Biden incited July 13th.

Sorry, I don’t make the rules. The left does.

Listen to the ripe garbage some Democrat leaders have been spewing about their political opponent:

Well, Nancy, a sniper tried to stop Trump on a sunny Saturday afternoon in Butler, Pennsylvania. Happy now?

By the grace of God, Trump is still alive.

And just four days before he was shot, that grasping harridan married to Joe Biden - “Dr.” Jill - called Donald Trump “evil.”

She needs a mirror.

In those awful, uncertain moments after the shots rang out, Trump was back on his feet, blood running down the side of his face, his fist raised in a show of strength.

Trump is always at his best in unscripted moments. Writing this late on Saturday night, but two other instances come to mind:

When Trump was informed by a reporter that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died, the president reacted with grace and genuine sadness.

And when the hat blew off the head of a Marine standing guard outside Marine One in 2017, Trump instinctively dashed to retrieve it and placed it on the Marine’s head.

There will be many questions about how a shooter got onto a rooftop with a direct line of sight to the president. Secret Service on the ground reacted quickly and killed the sniper almost instantly.

But there was clearly a major security breech. Someone needs to lose a job. Elon Musk has a suggestion:

Were there enough resources to secure the area? The Federalist is reporting that requests to beef up Trump’s security detail were recently “rebuffed.” Inexplicably, Biden has denied Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s repeated requests for Secret Service protection.

Now that we know some are trying to kill Biden’s political opponents, perhaps the administration will relent and give Kennedy protection.

Democrats have been playing parlor games with security for rivals for some time.

Let’s not forget that Rep. Bennie Thompson introduced a measure a few months ago to remove Trump’s Secret Service protection because of those phony felony convictions.

Democrat Bennie Thompson, the ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, introduced the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act (HR 8081) on April 19. Democrat Reps. Yvette D. Clarke, Troy A. Carter Sr., Frederica Wilson, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Jasmine Crockett, Joyce Beatty, Barbara Lee, and Steve Cohen co-sponsored the bill…

These political hatemongers were trying to get Trump killed. What other reason could there possibly be to pull the security that all former presidents enjoy? Every politician who signed onto this bill should resign from Congress immediately to atone.

Make no mistake, yesterday’s assassination attempt was fueled by hysterical, hatefilled, unhinged lefties whose Trump Derangement Syndrome reached its apex.

Look for calls for “both sides” to tone down the rhetoric. Nonsense. Only one side - the left - routinely portrays political opponents as “deplorables” and “Nazis” and their candidate as Hitler.

They and their bootlickers in the media bear the blame for this attempted assassination.

At 11:07 p.m. last night Trump emailed a four-word message to his supporters (in caps, as is his style):


Footnote: If you’ve been calling Trump “Hitler” and an “existential threat to democracy”, if you’ve been calling his supporters “Nazis” and “white supremacists” and “deplorables,” do us all a favor and shut up. We don’t want to hear about your phony prayers and your gratitude that he survived.

We don’t believe you.

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Compare A Foe To Hitler And You Unleash Hell

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