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Biden’s Sad Bid For Attention: Meddling With The Supreme Court

Biden’s Sad Bid For Attention: Meddling With The Supreme Court

Unfamiliar with the constitutional separation of powers and fuming over U.S. Supreme Court decisions that did not go his way, President Joe Biden on Monday proposed sweeping changes to the third branch of government.

It’s apparently maddening to see a branch of government that can’t be controlled by party hacks.

Get a load of this:

Joe Biden, a guy who spent more than 50 years in Washington proposed Monday that Supreme Court Justices be term limited to 18 years.

This is hilarious. How about first imposing term limits on members of Congress, Mr. 37-Years-In-The-Senate?

Joe Biden, who somehow became a millionaire and whose family openly traded on his name for their own shadowy business ventures wants a strict code of ethics for justices of the Supreme Court.

Talk about someone totally lacking in self-awareness. How about strict ethics rules for members of Congress, Joe?

Perhaps you could start with a bill preventing the offspring of politicians from taking lucrative no-show jobs on the boards of foreign energy companies.

No? Then what if, instead of the watered down stock trading bill that’s creeping through Congress, someone proposed an outright ban on stock ownership by any member of Congress or congressional spouse?

Make the term “public servant” actually mean something.

Yes, I know, it’s tough getting by on just a congressional salary. Insider trading is such a nice way to moonlight. Take Nancy Pelosi, for instance. She was elected to congress in 1987 and is in her 19th term in office. In all that time she never earned more than $223,500 a year yet her net worth is estimated at $120,000,000.

The stock market has been very kind to the former speaker.

Oh and get this: Joe Biden wants to legislatively reverse the Supreme Court ruling that protects presidents from criminal prosecution for official acts during the course of their presidency.

Gosh, I thought this was the one decision that would have been a great source of comfort for Biden. Then again we know Joe’s health is precarious, so perhaps he isn’t worried that he will live long enough to be held criminally liable for his reckless actions that got American service members killed in Afghanistan or for the pesky stolen classified documents that were found next to the Corvette in his garage.

Sure, one special prosecutor said Joe wasn’t competent to stand trial for the classified documents, but another more aggressive prosecutor might give it a try someday.

Let’s be honest about why Democrats suddenly loathe the U.S. Supreme Court: Abortion.

Had the majority not ruled in 2022 that Roe v Wade was improperly decided, the Democrats would simply be grousing about some of the decisions from this court. This desire to pack and retool the court is simply retribution against the conservative majority born out of Democratic enthusiasm for abortion.

Remember, Roe v Wade would be intact had abortion crazies in Mississippi not gone to the Supreme Court over a state law that limited abortions to the first 15 weeks of gestation. Like most abortion fanatics, they wanted to terminate pregnancies through the ninth month.

Instead, they destroyed Roe v Wade.

None of Biden’s proposals will become law anytime soon. If ever. This is simply a serving of red meat from a fading little man who was the victim of a bloodless coup. Biden has been unceremoniously shoved aside and if he doesn’t emerge with headline grabbing proposals now and then he’ll be completely forgotten.

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