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Tim Walz: Fabulist.

Tim Walz: Fabulist.

We are not going to talk about “stolen valor” today.

That’s a serious charge and I have no idea if Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota’s serial exaggerations about his military service rise to the level of stolen valor.

This is about fabulists - politicians in particular, but you find them in all walks of life - who engage in endless braggadocio. You probably know someone like this. They’re always the hero of their own stories.

No one likes these blowhards. Eventually folks catch on and they’re exposed, left looking like fools.

We just suffered through more than three years with one of these clowns in the White House.

Joe Biden.

You know, the guy who vanquished Corn Pop, who drove an 18-wheeler, who was arrested in South Africa, whose son lost his life in Iraq, who didn’t have any military deaths during his term in the White House, whose predecessor left him a 9% inflation rate, whose Uncle Bosi was eaten by cannibals.

His biggest lies were about himself:

Biden and his endless fabrications sickened some of us. We don’t trust liars. People who engage in self-aggrandizement are sad and insecure.

In positions of power they’re dangerous.

Now meet Tim Walz.

Look, the man served 24 years in the National Guard. That’s a terrific record.

Take the win, Tim.

But no, that wasn’t enough. The Governor of Minnesota has been caught lying repeatedly about the rank he held when he retired.

That’s not all. Here he is claiming he carried a weapon “in war.”

Walz has never been in a war. He was deployed to Italy in support of the war in Afghanistan.

That’s honorable service. Tim should take the win and stop exaggerating.

Yet his claims about carrying a weapon to war forced the Harris campaign to put out a statement last week saying Walz simply “misspoke.”

Sure he did.

The selection of Tim Walz on the presidential ticket was a huge misstep by Harris as she tried to appease the Hamas wing of the Democrat party. I doubt the campaign expected to spend the first week of the Harris/Walz partnership stomping out brush fires about the second banana’s record.

There’s more. There always is.

There are lingering questions about why Walz retired from the Guard when he did, just as his unit was about to get orders to Iraq. He claims it was to run for Congress. The man who took his place accuses him of avoiding Iraq.

Walz also has a bad habit of speaking ambiguously, sometimes leaving listeners confused about what he was saying.

For instance, over the weekend a C-SPAN clip surfaced from Walz’s time in Congress in which he appeared to claim he suffered from PTSD after returning from deployment and was told to watch “The Horse Whisperer” for a cure.

Question is, was Walz speaking about himself, or the men and women who returned from battle?


I’m not a psychiatrist. I can’t diagnose Walz or Biden or anyone else who boasts and exaggerates to make themselves seem grander, braver and more accomplished than they are.

But the little lies, the omissions and the exaggerations add up.

Walz is becoming a problem.

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