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Destroying Democracy To Save Democracy

Destroying Democracy To Save Democracy

Don’t look now, but it seems the party that claims it’s out to save democracy can only do that by trying to get yet another rival off the November ballot.

How very Venezuelan of them!

After unsuccessfully trying to get Donald Trump’s name off multiple state ballots and after successfully wiping Robert F. Kennedy Jr. off the New York ballot, Democrats are now focused on their latest enemy: Jill Stein, the presumptive Green Party candidate.

Wisconsin has a strong pro-Hamas population - 40,000 Democrats cast protest votes in last winter’s presidential primary - and the Democrats want to make sure these antisemitic malcontents vote for the Harris/Walz ticket and not Stein.

Harris tried to placate the pro-terorrist voters by passing over a popular a Jewish politician  - Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro - as her running mate. Apparently that wasn’t enough for rabid lefties.

They seem to favor Jill Stein over Kamala..

So the party that wants to save democracy is trying to make sure Wisconsin voters can’t vote for Stein.

David Strang, the state’s Democratic National Committee deputy operations director, filed a complaint Wednesday challenging the ballot access of Wisconsin Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who won more than 30,000 votes here in the 2016 presidential election, reports The New York Post.

The complaint alleges the Wisconsin Green Party, which qualified for ballot status in 2022 when a candidate garnered 1% of the state’s vote, does not have qualified electors to put forward and therefore runs afoul of Wisconsin election law.

The Wisconsin Green Party’s website features an article from May titled “Standing with the students standing with GAZA,” which praised student protests at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and endorsed the students’ demands.

Stein and her campaign manager were arrested in April at Washington University in St. Louis while taking part in an anti-Israel protest.

Removing an option for pro-Palestinian voters in Wisconsin would likely be a boon for the Democratic Party.

If I were a Democrat I’d be embarrassed to be associated with insane radicals who support terrorists.

Alas, the party that pretends democracy is at stake in the upcoming presidential election - you know, the ones who dumped the candidate primary voters selected and installed another - are willing to lock arms with some of the most odious folks on earth if that’s what it takes to beat Donald Trump.

Democrats demonstrate daily that they’re willing to destroy democracy to save it.



European Fascists Hate Elon Musk

European Fascists Hate Elon Musk