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A Unity Party For America. At Last!

“What if we choose to love our kids more than we hate each other?” RFK Jr. in his remarks announcing his support for Donald Trump.

I may be delusional, but I haven’t felt this hopeful and optimistic about my country since covid struck. 

It was then - during the first weeks of the pandemic - I realized that a terrifying number of Americans were willing to trade their constitutional rights for fear of a virus.

Worse, they were willing to sacrifice mine.

The center cannot hold, I told myself as soon as Donald Trump announced a two-week national lockdown. After a week of lockdowns Americans will chafe, they will demand to go back to their lives and calibrate their own risk of infection.

I was wrong. So wrong.

Cherished liberties to move about in society, worship in church on Sundays and gather with friends and family were terminated. Indefinitely. People were ordered to wear worthless face coverings in public, which always seemed Talibanesque to me. Worse, anyone questioning the orthodoxy, whether it be rules about masks, social distancing, therapeutics and eventually vaccines, were censored and scorned.

The censoring on social media was the direct result of the White House pressuring outlets to stifle what they labeled “misinformation.”

Orwellian. All of it

Many of us who refused mRNA vaccines kept it to ourselves. It was like Mao’s cultural revolution where anyone - even your own family members - could be an informer.

Never once did America’s public health “experts” recommend that people go outside - maskless and sunscreen-less - to soak up some vitamin D and exercise. Despite evidence that the obese were most at risk from the virus they never once suggested Americans lose weight and eat clean foods. Instead, they closed the fitness centers, parks and beaches and ordered people to stay indoors.

I realized this wasn’t MY America anymore. From Trump’s first announcement of lockdowns through Biden’s vaccine mandates, I railed against all of it.

I also realized the fragility of our civil liberties, And how few of us actually value them.

I lost hope for the future.

Why be hopeful now?

I’ve been thinking about what it means for RFK Jr. and his supporters to endorse Trump. . 

And yes, I realize that Bobby Jr. is an oddball. But he’s also intelligent, thoughtful and unafraid to question the status quo. He was a brave voice speaking out against the covid hysteria. He’s NOT an anti-vaxxer, but asks reasonable questions about whether shooting children full of 72 vaccines and boosters before they’re 18 could be harming their health. 

You should be asking that question too.

If you didn’t watch his announcement. Do it now:

For years, RFK Jr. has tried to alert Americans to the poisons contaminating all of our food and water thanks to big agriculture and its promiscuous use of toxic chemicals on wheat and other crops.

He questions whether seed oils are causing obesity and low fertility. Read up about soy and estrogen and then ask yourself why testosterone levels in American males are so low that many can’t father children without medical interventions.

Kennedy’s supporters are in the millions, though they are a small percentage of all voters. This isn’t about whether his support will put Trump on top on Election Day, although I hope it does. It’s the union of classic liberals with liberty-loving conservatives that some of us have been waiting for.

After corresponding with some in the RFK camp I am heartened and hopeful that American conservatives and classic liberals will unite to fight the communists and fascists who were masquerading as Democrats last week in Chicago.

For decades I thought of myself as a liberal. I opposed the GOP’s eagerness to start and spend on endless wars and I believed fervently in speech unfettered by government interference. I have also maintained a healthy - pun intended - wariness about the medical-pharmaceutical complex in our country.

The neocons, the Bush globalists and the sanctimonious Moral Majority were enough to keep me voting for Democrats throughout the 90s.

Now Dems are the party of censorship, race-baiting, wars, open borders and weaponizing the government against dissenters. They no longer represent the working class. Instead, they’re the party of leftist and urban elites and Hollywood royalty. Dem millionaires stood on the stage last week and lectured the rest of the country about how poorly they have been treated in the U.S.

Like Trump, RFK Jr. doesn’t fit neatly in a box. 

Trump’s brand of populism has frozen out many traditional Republicans. Some mourn that, but as someone who is not a party loyalist I think it’s a good thing. They weren’t good for America.

Trump and Kennedy both want to end this meat grinder war in Ukraine, the war provoked by the Biden administration that has pledged to keep it going indefinitely.

Both men support strong border enforcement.

They’ve pledged to break Big Pharma’s stranglehold on the CDC and FDA. They pledge to fight chronic disease.

Perhaps most importantly, both men have been targeted by the Deep State and see the imperative to neuter the administrative state.

These are not small things. 

Our country needs saving right now and if we love American children more than we hate each other, we can unite with people of good will and take back the country, despite our differences.

It may be time to change those red ballcaps: #MakeAmericaHealthyAgain