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Kamala Harris Turns Hard Left

Is it just me or is Kamala Harris’ choice of a running mate giving off Sarah Palin vibes?

The first decision a presidential candidate makes is selecting a vice president. John McCain blundered with his rash decision in 2008. And yesterday morning Kamala Harris blundered with hers. In fact, she demonstrated the same terrible political instincts that got her bounced from the 2020 presidential race before the first primary vote was cast.

Harris picked far-left, way-out-of-the-mainstream Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. And Harris settled on him for one main reason: He’s not Jewish.

By every measure Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro would have been a more astute political choice. But The Squad wasn’t having him.

Shapiro, the Jewish, smart, popular governor of the all-important swing state of Pennsylvania with its 18 electoral votes, was passed over for a radical far-left governor of Minnesota, a navy blue state that hasn’t gone for a Republican presidential candidate since 1972 when Democrat George McGovern lost every state in the union except the crazies in Massachusetts.

This is the power of the pro-Hamas wing of the Democrat Party. The Ilhan Omars, Bernie Sanders and AOCs were able to strongarm this vapid vice president into selecting a risky socialist to appease their pro-terror base.

This strain of antisemitism is alarming and shows how far the party has strayed from the one that nominated Joe Lieberman to be veep back in 2000.

Just how radical is Tim Walz? Here are just a few examples that I garnered from multiple sources:

As governor, Walz signed an executive order protecting “gender-affirming care” for minors in Minnesota, including puberty blockers, surgeries and hormone therapy. In other words, he believes that kids who aren’t old enough to buy lottery tickets are plenty old enough to get their breasts and penises lopped off.

Not mainstream.

Walz’s order also forces state agencies not to approve health insurance plans that don’t cover gender-affirming operations. 

Walz looked like a BLM bootlicker in 2020 when he procrastinated for three days before finally activating the Minnesota National Guard to stop the violence and rioting in the streets of Minneapolis. By then the city was on fire and criminals rampaged in the streets.

According to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, “dozens of buildings had been looted and torched” by the time the Guard finally arrived.

Walz went overboard as so many blue state governors did with covid restrictions. He instituted statewide mask mandates, presided over a $250 million fraud scheme involving the misuse of Covid funds, and he kept schools closed for months.

This explains the adoration Walz enjoys from teachers unions. He allowed teachers to collect their paychecks while staying home and doing nothing for more than a year.

Gov. Walz instituted a “snitch line” that encouraged Minnesotans to tattle on friends and neighbors who violated his orders limiting the size of gatherings. This is the same man who likes to say that “mind your own damn business” is his motto. Not during covid, apparently.

In a story headlined “Tim Walz Was A Covid-19 Tyrant,” Reason reports that the Minnesota governor presided over some of the most draconian restrictions in the country.

He (Walz) was also one of the foremost defenders of a monstrous COVID-19 policy choice: sending sick, elderly patients back to nursing homes where the infection often spread to other vulnerable people, causing a disproportionate number of coronavirus deaths in such settings…

And though Walz instructed police to merely issue citations to people caught violating stay-at-home orders—which is still bad enough—he also maintained the right, via executive order, to issue $1,000 fines and send violators to jail for 90 days. His government maintained that private, indoor gatherings should be limited to 10 people. Outdoor gatherings were arbitrarily capped at 25 people. On July 23, 2020, Walz declared a statewide mask mandate for most indoor spaces and even some outdoor spaces.

There’s more.

Walz signed a bill that allows abortions up until the moment of birth.

Oh, and Walz is also a strong supporter of sanctuary cities and states. He jubilantly signed a law that allow illegal aliens to obtain Minnesota drivers licenses.

Walz also backs measures that give illegal aliens taxpayer-funded healthcare and college tuition

The Minnesota governor signed anti-parental rights legislation making it nearly impossible for parents to get sexually explicit books out of school libraries.

In singing Walz’s praises, Harris’ camp proudly points to his 24-year service in the National Guard.

Just one problem: Walz quit in 2005 when his unit got orders to Iraq. The man who went in his place is bitter about Walz’s decision and hasn’t forgotten, according to The New York Post:

When Minnesota governor Tim Walz chose to leave the military on the eve of his deployment to Iraq, Thomas Behrends went in his place.

“I needed to hit the ground running and take care of the troops — and tell them we were going to war,” said Behrends of the 500 soldiers under his command. “For a guy in that position to quit is cowardice.”

Behrends, a 63-year-old farmer in Brewster, MN, called the Democratic vice-presidential candidate “a traitor” for retiring from their Minnesota National Guard unit just before their deployment to Iraq in 2005.

“When your country calls, you are supposed to run into battle — not the other way,” the retired command sergeant major told The Post Tuesday. “He ran away. It’s sad.

“He had the opportunity to serve his country, and said ‘screw you’ to the United States. That’s not who I would pick to run for vice-president.”

Well, that’s who Kamala picked as a running mate.

Harris had a choice that would allow her to try to to reinvent herself as a centrist (even though her record in the U.S. Senate was more liberal than socialist Bernie Sanders’) and instead Kamala Harris took a hard left turn.

Walz helps with the pro-Hamas voters. The Normies? Not so much.