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You Don’t Hate Journalists Enough

You Don’t Hate Journalists Enough

They’re giddy. They’re brimming with joy. They smell victory. 

Best of all, they see their chance to fix the mistakes they made in 2016.

I’m talking about members of the elect-Kamala-press corps.

It’s blindingly clear that the legacy media regards the Kamala Harris candidacy as a “do-over” for Hillary. This is an opportunity for the far-left media to finally get an unlikable woman elected president.

The New York Times just showed its hand. 

On Wednesday, reporting from Harris’ first appearance with her running mate, the newspaper shamelessly poured it on.

In a piece headlined “Kamala Harris And ‘Coach Walz’ Ease Into Their New Partnership,” reporter Rebecca Davis O’Brien gushed:

“Ms. Harris, a former prosecutor — and, more relevantly, a Black woman in the unrelenting spotlight of national politics — wears broad-shouldered suits, pearls and heels, sometimes crisp Chucks. She marshals an arched brow, a studied hand flip, carefully curated sentences. Her wave is controlled, her eyes always fixed on a distant point, her movements smooth.”

Quite the tongue bath, Ms. O’Brien.

There was a time when any news reporter who wrote such treacle about a political figure would have been fired.

Instead, this is a harbinger of how the NYT, The Washington Post and all of the major networks are going to cover Kamala.

They won’t make the sort of blunders they made with Hillary, when they accidentally wrote about her missing emails and her fainting spells. 

That bad press got Donald Trump elected.

Kamala’s going to get a pass on every disastrous Biden administration position.

Her past? Memory holed. From her major failure as border czar, to her  defund-the-police stance, to her end-private medical-insurance stance, to her anti-fracking stance, to her death-row-inmates-should-be-allowed-to-vote stance, these are forgotten.

The media is working overtime to transform Harris from a cringy socialist from San Francisco into a  fun “wine aunt” who dances and is filled with “joy.”

Suddenly, incompetent Kamala is ready to run the country.

With four years of failure as the second-in-command to the worst president in history, the press is helping Kamala with a makeover. They’re rebranding her as a fresh face. 

She’s a shiny new product that can be repackaged and marketed to normal Americans.

But there is nothing normal about Kamala Harris.

She and her running mate are the most radical leftists ever nominated by a major party for the presidency. 

Worse, Harris is inarticulate and vapid when the teleprompter is off. To prevent her trademark word salads, Harris has adopted a version of Biden’s basement strategy: No one gets to glimpse Kamala without immaculate stagecraft.

It’s a duck-and-cover campaign.

It’s been 19 days and still this woman who wants to lead the Free World has not sat down for a single interview or held a press conference.

Not that the press is complaining. They have no dignity, no professionalism. They know that virtually any question they toss Kamala’s way can be a “gotcha” moment. A verbal land mine. 

Reporters do not want to give this deeply flawed candidate a chance to have a “basket of deplorables” moment. 

Lazy members of the press corps are perfectly content to sit back and cover Harris’ rallies and gush about her “crisp Chucks” and her “pearls and heels.”

It’s up to us in the alternative media to tell the truth.

And the truth is, you don’t hate “journalists” enough.

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