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Zelenskyy In Scranton: Foreign Interference In American Elections

Zelenskyy In Scranton: Foreign Interference In American Elections

A couple of months ago I got a tip about a military family that had posted on social media they were looking for a good home for their family dog.

No, the mutt didn’t bite. He was housebroken and healthy. The kids were crazy about him.

The family could no longer afford their pet’s food and routine vet bills. They were barely making enough to feed the family, the wife told me. A pet had become a hopeless luxury.

I wanted to write about their desperate situation, figuring readers would reach out and help this struggling military family keep their dog. The wife asked me not to.

She said she was embarrassed.

I wonder what she and other military dependents think when they see what appears to be the Air Force squiring a foreign dictator around in a C-17 so he can help Kamala Harris get elected.

Let’s back up.

Anyone else remember when Democrats impeached President Donald Trump for a simple phone call to Ukraine? In it, Trump allegedly asked Volodymyr Zelenskyy to investigate Ukraine’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election and the activities of Democratic political rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

A phone call! A 30-minute phone call.

Now compare that to what the Dems did yesterday in Scranton, PA:

Yep, it appears they flew Ukraine president Zelenskyy to Pennsylvania, a swing state, on an Air Force C-17 jet. Once there, he toured an ammo factory and essentially campaigned for Kamala Harris and Sen. Bob Casey, while denouncing their Republican opponents in interviews.

Oh, and the foreign leader was driven around in Secret Service vehicles. And here we thought Trump was facing assassins regularly because the Secret Service was short staffed.

Questions abound. Most importantly, did this foreign leader arrive on a military jet? If so, is he reimbursing the US government? How does the Secret Service, which doesn’t have enough manpower to adequately protect Trump, have extra details available for a Ukrainian?

I guess $60 billion isn’t enough for Zelenskyy to buy his own G5.

The National Review’s Dan McLaughlin was highly critical of the trip, noting that while Zelensky has a right to be in the US as he prepares to address the United Nations this week. This overtly political excursion is not a good look:

“…the trip to Scranton is another matter. (Sen. Bob) Casey and (Rep. Mark) Cartwright, both Democrats, are active candidates for federal office. Pennsylvania is the most crucial swing state in the presidential election; (Josh) Shapiro is a Democrat who spoke at the party’s national convention and was widely mentioned as a potential Harris running mate. The symbolism of Scranton being Joe Biden’s birthplace is lost on nobody. Zelensky didn’t really help matters by giving an interview to Joshua Yaffa of the New Yorker, just before departing for this trip, in which he took potshots at J. D. Vance.”

In case you’re wondering, Zelenskyy - the man who’s suspended elections and rival political parties in his own country - called Vance a “radical.”

Donald Trump has said he would end the war in Ukraine, but in that same New Yorker interview,  Zelenskyy said Trump doesn’t know how to end the war.

Oh really? Could it be Zelenskyy is terrified that a second-term President Trump will indeed figure out a way to end the meat grinder war and cut off the spigot of money America is pouring into his corrupt nation?

This is clearly in-your-face foreign interference in an American election. That’s not only illegal, but it’s an impeachable offense.

Where is Speaker Mike Johnson? He should be calling out the administration for this blatant disregard of American election laws and at least threatening to bring some sort of action against the administration.

When American military families are using food stamps to feed their kids and getting rid of family dogs because they can’t afford pet food, it’s a bad time to be flying foreign leaders on military aircraft to campaign in swing states.

Then again, this sort of behavior could - and should - backfire on the Harris campaign. Americans are weary of writing blank checks for endless wars.

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