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Another Man Elbows Real Women Out Of The Way

Another Man Elbows Real Women Out Of The Way

Make it stop. Please. The gaslighting. The lies. The glass ceilings supposedly being shattered by - wait for it - men.

That is a screenshot of the New York Magazine cover from Sept, 8-21. That person on the cover is Martine Rothblatt. 

That person is NOT the “highest paid female CEO in America.” Because that person is not a woman. 

It’s a man in womanface. A man who, after he was already married to a woman and had children, decided he was a woman. He took hormones, he lopped off his penis and changed his name from Martin to Martine.

That means he sort of looks like a woman, if you squint. But it doesn’t make him one of us. 

It’s a free country. He can do what he likes. He was an adult when he decided to play female. There is no indication he’s trying to push nutty trans ideology on kids.

But as much as the media wants to spread the lie that people can simply switch genders, we who have common sense are not obligated to play along in the trans fantasy world or use bizarre pronouns to describe someone with XY chromosomes.

New York Magazine is on a mission. Then again, so am I and many others in the so-called alternative media.

Rothblatt is undeniably rich. He was one of the founders of Sirius satellite radio and the founder of United Therapeutics, a pharmaceutical company. 

Congratulations to Rothblatt on his smashing successes.

He pulled down $38 million last year, which, if he actually were a woman, would make him the richest female CEO in the country.

In fact, the highest paid female CEO in America is Lisa Su, who heads Advanced Micro Devices. She pulled in $30.3 million in 2023 in salary and compensation.

Congratulations to her. She’s the queen of the corporate world.

As most of us know, deciding to “become” a woman when you’re middle aged is not the same as BEING one.

Martine didn’t go through puberty as a girl. He didn’t suffer from menstrual cramps every month. He didn’t have to learn to use feminine hygiene products. He never wanted to die of embarrassment because he had an “accident” in high school. He didn’t learn to deal with handsy boys. He didn’t have to fend off lecherous bosses. He didn’t get pregnant and labor for agonizing hours to give birth to his children.

He never watched men doing the exact same job as he was doing being paid more than him.

We have.

And he didn’t break any kind of glass ceiling with his salary. 

It’s just one more case of a man elbowing real women out of the way so he can grab a little glory.

I’m tired of it. I’m not playing the game anymore. Join me?

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