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The Government That Cried Wolf

The Government That Cried Wolf

Will someone please convene a meeting of Merrick Garland, the brass at the CIA and the FBI, invite them sit in a circle on the floor and tell them it’s story time.

Then whip out a copy of Aesop’s Fables and read them the one called “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” When that’s over tell them the American people are not stupid. We realize that whenever the Democrats see polls they don’t like in the run-up to a presidential election, the Deep State dredges up stories about foreign interference in our elections. 

For that reason, many of us greeted Merrick Garland’s Wednesday hair-on-fire announcement that the Russians are trying to get Trump elected with a giant eye roll. These clowns have lost all credibility with their lies and half-truths over the past eight years.

In 2016 it was the Steele Dossier. A complete head fake paid for by the Hillary campaign. But, oh how that lit up the corporate media! Rachel Maddow feasted on that fiction for years.

In 2020 the discovery of the Hunter Biden laptop was dismissed as Russian misinformation. Fifty some former spooks signed a letter assuring the public it was phony. When The New York Post ran a story saying the computer with all its damning information about the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes was authentic, that newspaper lost its Twitter account.

Looks like Merrick Garland has gone back to the Russia interference playbook, warning America on Wednesday that the Kremlin is sponsoring fake news and social media accounts to produce propaganda undermining American support for Ukraine. The Department of Justice is going after these suspect domains and has indicted at least one company.

Who knows, maybe the DOJ is really onto something. This time. Forgive some of us for yawning, we’ve seen this movie before.

Almost as an afterthought, Garland mentioned that Iran was also meddling, on behalf of the Democrats.

Now THAT we can believe.

We know how badly the world’s largest exporter of terrorism wants Democrat appeasers to remain in the White House. Trump nearly starved Iran to death during his four years. Biden and Obama flirted with the ayatollahs, sending them pallets of American dollars, which these medieval war lords used to arm some of the worst people in the world: the Houthis, Hamas and Hezbollah. 

Many of us wonder if Thomas Crooks was working with Iran when he tried to shoot Donald Trump in the head in July. After all, there were credible threats that Iran wanted to kill the Republican candidate for president. We may never know anything about Crooks, however, because the deep state and its servants in the corporate media have memory holed the entire assassination attempt.

Yet we’re supposed to be shocked, outraged and suspicious that foreign countries are trying to influence our elections.

Sadly, it wasn't true in the past. In fact, it was the American government lying about it.

So Garland and the gang will have to forgive the jaded American public. These there’s-a-Russian-wolf-in-the-sheep-pen scares just don’t carry the same punch they did eight years ago.

Nice try, though, Mr. Attorney General.

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