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We Are NOT At Fault For The Terror Attack On New Orleans

We Are NOT At Fault For The Terror Attack On New Orleans

Get a load of this guy: Tom Wilson, president of Allstate Insurance.

I swear, if I had Allstate Insurance, I’d cancel. 

Memo to Tom Wilson: When a bloodthirsty jihadi waving an Isis flag goes on a murderous rampage, killing 15 innocent Americans, injuring others and terrorizing an entire city, the last thing we need is a lecture from a milquetoast insurance exec - whose official bio boasts about his support for “diversity and equity” - on our “addiction to divisiveness and negativity”.

Seriously, Mr. Wilson, you’re blaming US and our failure to celebrate Isis for this attack on the Big Easy?

Are you insane?

Frankly, this offensive message from a bespectacled corporate midwit is just the sort of gibberish we’ve been listening to for the past four years from the victim blamers in Washington. We rejected this sort of moral relativism last November.

We also rejected people who are too timid to tell the truth.

The truth is America is under attack by radical Islamists and has been for decades. These fanatics hate the West and everything it stands for. They hate our freedom, our faith and our culture. They consider us subhumans. Infidels. In their twisted minds, this justifies the unspeakable: rape, murder and slavery.

They take advantage of our liberty to spread their virulent messages to our young people. But it’s time to declare war on Isis in America.

We’re done appeasing our enemies. Time to call them out. This includes the Hamas fan club - thousands strong - that took to 5th Avenue in New York City on New Years Day to celebrate the terorrist attack in New Orleans.

After January 20, we expect the FBI to be on the scene when these traitors take to the streets. Any jihadi supporters here on student visas need to be deported. Immediately. Any illegal alien marching in support of terror need to be out of the country by sundown. We need zero tolerance for this ideology.

It’s been said many times that the US Constitution is not a suicide pact. We are not obligated to make excuses for those who spread this philosophy. We have a duty to denounce it, root it out and evict any foreigners on our soil spreading this poison.

And people like Mr. Wilson? They need to be told the truth: We do not need to “accept people’s imperfections and differences” when they want to kill us.

We need to rid our country of them.

At Least They’re Culturally Competent!

At Least They’re Culturally Competent!

Color Us Unsurprised: Something In The Water Festival Missed Another Deadline.

Color Us Unsurprised: Something In The Water Festival Missed Another Deadline.