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Latest Words Of The Day: Constitutional Crisis

Latest Words Of The Day: Constitutional Crisis

Looks like I spoke too soon.

Earlier this week I pointed out that the legacy media and lazy politicians were all parroting the same talking points about Donald Trump’s first two weeks in office.

CHAOS, they chorused.

Well, just like that they pivoted to a new talking point. This one is two words. (That’s a lot for some of these mid-wits.) 

All together now, lefties: CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS

Sorry, little leftists. There is no constitutional crisis. So far the president is obeying the rules imposed by far-left federal judges. Trump knows this is just a delaying tactic until higher courts tell these activists that they’re wrong.

You know what constituted a genuine constitutional crisis? Our last president, the guy with pudding for brains who embarked on a stupid, illegal campaign to “forgive” student debt. 

Even after the Supreme Court told him he didn’t have the authority, Biden persisted. Shoot, the big guy went around the country bragging about how he was defying the highest court.

What Biden did was find a too-cute workaround to keep the student debt scam going in a desperate and doomed bid to win the youth vote, and there wasn’t enough time for the Supreme Court to weigh in on the legality. No doubt his workaround was illegal too.

Then there was Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate. Don’t get me started.

Oh, and here’s another Biden constitutional crisis, although most of the country just laughed at the old loser when he did it.

On his way out the door, Biden declared a 28th Amendment to the Constitution, even though presidents don’t have the authority to pronounce amendments and the deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment passed more than 40 years earlier. Oh, and a half dozen states had revoked their ratification.

Under Democrat control in 2020, Virginia’s General Assembly went through the impotent act of ratifying an expired amendment. And that was enough for dopey Joe.

The National Archivist - properly - refused to publish Biden’s unconstitutional declaration and constitutional law expert Jonathon Turley described Biden’s actions as insane.

OK, I exaggerate. Turley is too polite to call Biden insane.

But I’m not.

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