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Schumer Shutdown In Doubt

Schumer Shutdown In Doubt

Well, dang.

Here I was, ready to write a celebratory piece about what a tremendous gift Chuck Schumer’s government shutdown would be to President Donald Trump who would be unencumbered by pesky Senators as he took a meat axe to wasteful spending.

After all, the minority leader had been yapping all week about how Democrats were united in blocking the continuing resolution passed by the House. With 60 votes needed for cloture, the measure would die and the federal government would run out of money tonight at midnight.

Like trained seals, Democrat senators followed Schumer, one by one declaring on social media they too were “no” votes on the budget measure.

Odd. The party that’s fighting to preserve wasteful spending and fraud in government were ready to shut the entire operation down?

Make this make sense.

Only one senator broke with his party: John Fetterman of Pennsylvania.

On Wednesday he declared that shutting down the government was a profound act of foolishness.

Ben Shapiro pointed out Thursday that the smartest Democrat in Congress is a man with brain damage. 

Like the partisan lemming he is, on Wednesday Virginia’s Mark Warner posted another insane car video boldly declaring that he would - of course - vote no.

Was ANYONE surprised?

So what will Warner do now that Schumer reportedly did an about face yesterday after a contentious meeting with his colleagues. Apparently it suddenly dawned on this New York dimwit and others that by shutting down government, Trump could slash entire departments with no opposition.

For a man who never engages in independent thinking, this must be a dilemma for Warner. Does he follow the leader of his party and look like a lunatic for his earlier post on X? Does he stubbornly vote no, signaling that he wants to shut it all down? Or does he simply call in sick?

Wagers, anyone? 

On thing’s clear: the Democrats are lost. They’re so consumed with hatred for Trump that they can’t even practice their devious politics smoothly anymore.

In recent weeks their mass Trump Derangement Syndrome caused Dems to stupidly endorse men in women’s sports and loudly fight to keep a terror-supporting Syrian in the country.

Today they’re running around in chaotic circles unsure of how to vote on the temporary budget measure.

Notice that none of their calculations involve what’s best for America. Only what hurts Donald Trump.

Regulate It, Make It Unaffordable, Subsidize It

Regulate It, Make It Unaffordable, Subsidize It