Carter has been the recipient of piles of too-generous publicity since he left office.
All tagged Politics
Carter has been the recipient of piles of too-generous publicity since he left office.
Pundits and the press were glued to the hearings. Regular people? They have jobs and probably didn’t have time.
We all know what’s going on here. If we’re honest. It has nothing to do with sports. It’s all about politics.
Could we please have a voluntary moratorium on the following words: Hitler, Nazis and concentration camps? When we’re talking about politics, that is.
Pelosi may think she won this round, but she’s dealing with a prize fighter.
Apparently taking a page out of Hillary’s Handbook for Losers are John Uhrin and Richard R.K. Kowalewitch.
As a writer, words matter. I don’t like this sloppy tendency to award public offices to individuals, as if they own them.
Maybe this would be a good week for us to vow to spend a pleasant meal with someone who voted differently than we did in the last election. Not with the intent of changing their minds, either.
The all-you-can-eat-taxpayer-funded buffet could close down and developers might have to start paying for their own projects.
The horror of it all.
In Virginia Beach, where the majority on city council are drooling lapdogs for developers, the notion of putting people first is laughable.
Can you stand one more screed about the battle of words between Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel and President Donald Trump?
Good. Because that’s what you’re getting today.
For those who slept all weekend, here’s what happened: