Is it asking too much that the governor set aside his rabid partisanship long enough to at least give the mayor of the largest city in the commonwealth a preview of his decision? Better yet, to chat with him to learn what going on in Virginia Beach?
All tagged Restaurants
Is it asking too much that the governor set aside his rabid partisanship long enough to at least give the mayor of the largest city in the commonwealth a preview of his decision? Better yet, to chat with him to learn what going on in Virginia Beach?
It’s not just the task force that was left out of the process. The governor has been keeping city leaders in the dark, too.
If you figure that the average breakfast costs $10 and the average lunch costs $20 - that’s probably a low-ball estimate for California - free victuals adds up to a nice little $7,200-a-year benefit
It’s up to the airlines to figure out a way to accommodate really big passengers without relying on much smaller ones to roll themselves into little balls.
You can easily drive from where I live in Virginia Beach to Los Angeles and back and never eat anything but cookie-cutter grub and mediocre meals. And lots of folks do just that.