A Vindictive Bill that Invites Retaliation

I can’t decide which is more appalling. The fact that Delegate Alex Askew, D-Virginia Beach, would introduce a bill to revoke tax-exempt status for several Confederate heritage groups, or the fact that the measure won the support of 12 Democratic legislators to pass through the House Finance Committee.

Whose Kids Are They Anyway?

Most studies show that homeschooled children outperform their public school counterparts by 15 to 30 percent on standardized testing. This is true regardless of the educational levels of the parents or their income.

Yet teachers unions - and the politicians they own - loathe homeschoolers and sneer at parents who choose to educate their kids at home.

Check-out Charities

You know how this works, right? The cashier has been instructed to ask loudly for a donation, which has the effect of shaming the shopper into giving. I mean, who wants to look like a miser to the rest of the schlumps waiting in line? Especially if your basket is full of wine or steak. Once one person has been goaded into giving, everyone else is more likely to follow suit. There's some kind of mass psychology at work here.

Make Motherhood Great Again

Motherhood isn't easy, especially in households without extended family close by to provide support. It's exhausting both physically and emotionally—yet it's ultimately the most rewarding career on the planet.

Baby, It's Cold Outside

I thought my son, who believes that one set of clothes can take a man through four seasons, was unique. Or part of a weird sect of Beach guys who think that living in a sandy environment requires summer duds all year.