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General Assembly Endorsements

General Assembly Endorsements

It’s obscene. 

I’m talking about the amount of out-of-state money pouring into Virginia campaigns in the final days before today’s election. 

Almost all of it is going to Democrats. Much of the loot is from one of two PACs formed by far-left former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. You know, the guy who thinks government should tell you what size soft drink you can order.

Yep, this nanny government New York billionaire wants to pick your next delegate or state senator. 


Even The Washington Post noticed. In a story headlined “This is unprecedented: Last-minute money floods Virginia campaigns ahead of Nov. 5,” the paper reported that Democratic donors from around the country - especially Bloomberg - are showering candidates in hopes of flipping the General Assembly. The Post claims that Virginia has some of the most lax campaign finance laws in the nation, making the Old Dominion ripe for an avalanche of outside influence.

What would a Democratic General Assembly do? Invoke the May 31 massacre in Virginia Beach as an excuse to enact a number of gun control measures. None of which would have prevented the mass shooting. They’ll push for easing restrictions on late-term abortions and overturn Virginia’s Right to Work laws. Virginia is one of 27 business-friendly, right-to-work states where workers can’t be compelled to join unions or pay dues.

Is this the agenda Virginians want their elected officials to pursue? We’ll know by tonight.

Since it’s Election Day, here’s a quick look at some of the hotly contested General Assembly races in Virginia Beach, with special attention to those with an influx of out-of-state donations. My choices are in bold. Do I want the GOP to retain control of the General Assembly, or at least one chamber? Yes, I do.

The top three Democrats in the commonwealth are wallowing in scandals, yet liberals from around the country are trying to do what looked impossible last winter: Give this trio even more power.

For instance, they’d like to install Nancy Guy in the House. She’s trying to unseat Republican Del. Chris Stolle in the 83rd House District. On October 29 she raked in an astonishing $348,400 from the Beyond Carbon Action Fund, Bloomberg’s new environmental PAC. 

Yep, $348,400 in a single day.

That’s about what it used to cost to run an entire campaign for state delegate.

Think she’ll be beholden to Bloomberg’s radical environmental ideas should she win?

Guy’s also taken $60,000 from Emily’s List, a national PAC that supports female candidates who are pro-abortion. This outfit helped elect Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Ayanna Pressley and Katie Hill, the California congresswoman who resigned last week after an ethics probe was launched over her alleged sexual relations with staffers.

Stolle is a moderate Republican, Naval Academy grad and OB/Gyn who has raised almost all of his money in-state. He opposed the controversial abortion bill that Del. Kathy Tran introduced in the last General Assembly session that would have eased restrictions on late-term abortions. 

It’s worth noting that Tran’s measure was so repulsive that even liberals like Tim Kaine and Terry McAuliffe denounced it. But be prepared. Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List want this bill to become law in Virginia and they’re contributing to politicians who will support what many have characterized infanticide.

In the most recent session, Stolle introduced bills that would establish minimum standards of medical care in local jails and that raised the legal age to purchase tobacco to 21.

Vote for Chris Stolle

The most bloated campaign coffer is Cheryl Turpin’s. She’s running for the open 7th State Senate District seat.

According to the Virginia Public Access Project, she’s raised a staggering sum: more than $2 million. Turpin’s taken Bloomberg money, of course - $67,829 - and she’s accepted $23,000 from Emily’s List. 

By contrast, her opponent, Jen Kiggans - a former Navy helicopter pilot and a nurse practitioner - has raised $1,339,864. All of it in state, as far as I can tell from reports on VPAP.

Vote for Jen Kiggans

Last week, I reported on the loot pouring into Missy Cotter Smasal’s campaign from outside sources. She’s taken huge donations from Bloomberg and pro-abortion groups including Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List. She’s also swimming in money from organized labor. She’s taken a total of almost $50,000 of union money from the Teamsters, the Service Employees International, and the Communication workers of America.

Incumbent State Sen. Bill DeSteph points out that there are 44,000 food and service workers in Virginia. If those workers are subject to compulsory union membership, they will likely have to pay union dues that average about $600 a year. That means more than $26 million a year could be flowing to unions from Virginia workers. No wonder trade unions are monkeying around in Virginia elections. It’s all about the Benajmins.

Beyond that, Smasal is also running a contemptible campaign ad that attempts to use the May 31 massacre to her political advantage.

DeSteph is a Desert Storm vet and a former Naval Special Warfare Intelligence officer who’s proven himself to be an able public servant. Before his election to the state senate he was a member of Virginia Beach City Council and a member of the House of Delegates.

His opponent has no political experience. 

During the most recent session, DeSteph was the chief patron of a bill that prohibited off-shore gas and oil drilling in Virginia’s waters. He’s also the driver behind legislation to curb in-state tuition hikes in Virginia’s public colleges and universities.

Vote for State Sen. Bill DeSteph.

In the 83rd House District Incumbent Del. Glenn Davis has raised just $243,623 to his opponent’s $941,992.

Democrat Karen Mallard took a jaw-dropping $208,000 from the pro-abortion Emily’s List PAC and almost $30,000 from Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety PAC. She’s also backed by organized labor.

Vote for Glenn Davis.

Republican Rocky Holcomb has raised $872,782 in his bid to win back the House seat in the 85th District that he lost last time out. His opponent, Alex Askew, however, has raised $1,082,907. He, too, is backed by Bloomberg and organized labor.

Vote for Rocky Holcomb.

Incumbent Del. Barry Knight has out-raised his 81st District Democratic opponent, Len Myers, $345,032 to $250,906. Neither candidate seems to have taken out-of-state money. Knight is one of the few farmers in the General Assembly. Send him back for another term.

Vote for Barry Knight.

Virginia General Assembly Is Blue Again

Virginia General Assembly Is Blue Again

Virginia Beach City Council Endorsement: Guy Tower

Virginia Beach City Council Endorsement: Guy Tower