Carter has been the recipient of piles of too-generous publicity since he left office.
All tagged Election
Carter has been the recipient of piles of too-generous publicity since he left office.
Under her leadership it looks like Democrats lost at least 8 seats in the House, when they’d been gleefully predicting gains of about 15.
If the state and the major political parties do not spend substantial time educating voters about how voting rules have changed, and what has not changed, the lines and delays on November 3 will be incredible.
Yep, this nanny government New York billionaire - Michael Bloomberg - wants to pick your next delegate or state senator.
What regular American guy in his sixties doesn’t have an encyclopedic knowledge of supermarket prices?
The Chamber usually endorses business-friendly candidates, but engaging in dark ads aimed at taking out one candidate was something new.
This is a desperate move by a member of City Council who was bad at his job.
It’s no surprise that most folks wanted Uhrin out, when you consider his career on council.
Clearly, some of the local plutocrats are terrified that their Gatsbyesque lifestyle will end if the Good Government guys win.
John Uhrin hasn’t represented the people. He’s been an obedient bucket boy for developers, especially for Bruce Thompson.
if you like the FBI parked in your city, if you think the Virginia State Police have nothing better to do than investigate the unholy mess politicians have made of this lovely place and if you believe the hearty endorsement of a former mayor - the one convicted of conflict of interest and who quit midway through his term - is worth something, then by all means, vote for the status quo.
Ninety two bucks may be pocket change to Beach politicians and their Porsche-driving pals, but to the cashier at Kroger who drives a 20-year-old Chevy and works two jobs to support her family, that increase is painful.