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Bette Midler Turns Her Fury On West Virginians

Bette Midler Turns Her Fury On West Virginians

If you want to know what liberal elites really think about ordinary Americans - the poor schlumps who work hard and vote for candidates they believe will best represent them in Washington - harken to their words. 

In moments of candor they often reveal that they loathe the little people.

We get it, Bette. You’re upset. Your dreams of turning America into a big-government socialist state have been stymied. Like lots of unintelligent lefties you blame one man, Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, for blocking Biden’s ridiculous Build Back Bernie plan.

But as we pointed out yesterday, this is simply how majority rule works. Even someone like Midler, a loudmouth leftist, ought to understand that. Manchin joined Republicans to form a 51-vote majority that opposes the bill that would further wreck the American economy.

Yet in her righteous anger, Midler not only went after Manchin, but also the people who sent him to Washington, saying Manchin wants “us all to be just like his state, West Virginia. Poor, illiterate and strung out.

Did you get that West Virginia? This New York snob thinks your breathtakingly beautiful state is full of poor, illiterate and strung-out folks.

Midler later apologized on Twitter. But we all know she meant every word. 

Never mind that New York City is suffering from a sharp rise in crime just as it’s about to become a dystopian nightmare of Covid restrictions. Again.

Midler’s outburst was reminiscent of another out-of-touch liberal - Hillary Clinton- who dismissed Trump supporters as “deplorables.”

And then there was Barack Obama a few years ago, sneering about Pennsylvanians this way: You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them…And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

I’ve got news for Midler and the rest of her ilk: Liberals may look down on people in conservative swaths of the country. But it’s folks in those places who provide the energy that keeps America’s lights on and grow the crops that keep America fed.

Show a little respect.

Biden’s Covid Christmas Message

Biden’s Covid Christmas Message

Manchin Didn't Kill Build Back Better By Himself

Manchin Didn't Kill Build Back Better By Himself