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Keep Bio Boys Out Of Girls' Sports

Keep Bio Boys Out Of Girls' Sports

Every time another biological man - who identified as a woman - shattered another athletic record I had one question:

Where are all the feminists? Why so quiet? They were happy enough to parade around in vagina hats after Trump’s election. Why are they afraid to stand up for girl’s sports now?

Feminists worked hard to get Title IX passed, yet suddenly those very sports they championed are turning into a dumpster fire.

It’s always the same story: A mediocre male athlete decides to get in touch with his feminine side. The next thing you know he’s standing on a podium somewhere, long tresses, shaved armpits and lipstick, holding up a trophy, while the real girls are left on the sidelines, steaming.

First it was the track star in Connecticut.

Then it was the New Zealand Olympic weight lifter who looked like an offensive lineman. And the Australian handball player.

Now it’s University of Pennsylvania swimmer “Lia Thomas.” The press is too woke to tell us what Lia’s name was before he began taking testosterone suppressants during the Covid year break so he could switch from the men’s swim team where he competed for three years to the women’s.

But Lia’s been crushing records left and right, beating actual female swimmers by as much as 38 seconds.


This, in a sport where the difference between first and second place is often calculated in hundredths of a second.

Lia Thomas can identify as a girl all he wants, but if scientists dig up his bones in 100 years and perform DNA tests on his remains, they’ll find a male. A male who went through puberty with testosterone coursing through his body enabling him to grow taller and stronger than most women.

Look, Lia Thomas should be allowed to put on makeup, wear dresses and call himself a woman if he wants without having his civil rights violated. But the only athletic competitions he should be allowed in are men’s.

Back to my original question: Where are all the feminists?

Turns out there are a few who are bravely speaking out. On his Tuesday night show, Tucker Carlson introduced his vast viewing audience to Kara Dansky, a Democrat and a far-left liberal who says she’s had enough.

“Redefining sex to include nebulous, nonsensical concepts of gender identity also constitutes sex discrimination,” she declared. “…Every single human being is either a male person or a female person.

“Everything else is a lie.”

Whoa, mama. That’ll get you scratched off Nancy Pelosi’s Christmas card list.

But she’s right. She’s even written a book about the invasion of women’s spaces by men, called “The Abolition of Sex.”

Not only is this bright young feminist opposed to athletic competitions being invaded by biological men, but she wants her fellow liberals to join her in rejecting the term “transgenderism” and she wants men who identify as women barred from women’s prisons, locker rooms and bathrooms.

You know, places where women gather. Without men.

I’m with Dansky.

Heck. I’m old enough to remember when many high schools didn’t offer varsity girls sports. They preferred females learn how to cook and sew in home ec class. I played field hockey in high school as part of the Girls Athletic Association in my school. We were not an official team although we played other schools on weekdays.

Neither of my parents ever came to one of my hockey games. Neither did any other parents.

Did mine ever miss one of my brother’s varsity football games? Heck no.

By contrast, my daughter played field hockey - both JV and varsity - to full stands. Some of the girls on her team got scholarships to play D-1 sports in college. 

I loved watching the girls compete. With each other.

Now my granddaughter is interested in field hockey, too. 

I worry that boys - who aren’t good enough to make the football or lacrosse teams - may decide to don skirts and blast away at the hockey ball, leaving the girls standing there with their hands on their hips watching their chances at scholarships and awards slip away.

We need to stop this. Time for conservatives and liberals to join together in bringing common sense back to girls sports.

Chicago Jury Didn’t Buy Jussie Smollett’s Lies

Chicago Jury Didn’t Buy Jussie Smollett’s Lies

Who Is the “Irrational Majority” Here?

Who Is the “Irrational Majority” Here?