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Chicago Jury Didn’t Buy Jussie Smollett’s Lies

Chicago Jury Didn’t Buy Jussie Smollett’s Lies

Looks like the smart Chicago jurors didn’t buy Jussie Smollett’s lies about his fake 2019 hate crime anymore than we did.

Then again, neither did anyone with a lick of common sense.

Want to know two people eagerly believed the actor in their never-ending efforts to gin up a race war in America?

You guessed it. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, both demonstrably lacking any critical thinking skills.

Moments after the “crime” hit the news they both scurried over to Twitter.

And you can always count on Kamala to pop off without the facts.

Yep, these two clowns and other race hustlers didn’t pause long enough to notice that nothing about Smollett’s story made sense at all.

The actor went out in the early hours of the morning for a Subway sandwich and was accosted by two red ballcap wearing men shouting “MAGA.”

It was frigid in Chicago when the “crime” took place. And a pair of racists were just waiting for a gay black guy to come along so they could throw a noose around his neck and douse him with bleach?

Who believed such nonsense?

Two weeks after the incident I wrote a post explaining why I’d been silent until then on the topic: My journalist’s b.s. meter told me the story was not true.

“On January 29th, the day of the event, the high temperature in Chicago was 11F. The low was -9F. Must have been below zero at 2 a.m. Anyone with common sense had to ask if it was likely that Trump supporters were marauding at that time, in that intense cold, looking for gay black guys to beat up while shouting slurs and shrieking, “This is MAGA country!”

Oh, and is Chicago MAGA country? I don’t think so.

Beyond that, how likely was it that someone who’d been beaten, doused in bleach and had a rope around his neck would still be hanging onto his Subway sandwich as Smollett reportedly was when he walked into his building shortly after the attack?

None of it made sense. Except to those who want to believe that all Trump supporters are racist homophobes.”

This is just another case of confirmation bias. Racists on the left and in the media believed that everyone who voted for Trump were bigots, so this fit their world view quite nicely. 

Something similar happened with the Covington Catholic school boys. People saw one image and decided that boys who had traveled to Washington for a pro-life rally must be horrid little jerks. Nick Sandmann - a very rich man, thanks to his defamation settlements from The Washington Post, CNN and NBC News - had the last laugh at the morons in the media who popped off about what they imagined had happened that day.

The Smollett case was worse than just a huge fabricated the crime, Smollett actually went on “Good Morning America“ for a friendly interview with Robin Roberts and made himself out to be a hero.

 “I want a little gay boy who might watch this to see that I fought back,” he said. “They ran off, I didn’t.”

Nope, he didn’t run off. He wrote the guys a check and then lied his ass off.

If you haven’t rewatched this interview since we learned that Smollett was engaging in street theater just to get a pay raise, you really should.

 It’s breathtaking in its deceit. 

The jury found Smollett guilty on five of six felonies. He faces up to three years in prison.

Frankly, I think Jussie ought to face the same punishment that would have been meted out for a genuine hate crime that involved a beating and a noose. 

But this’ll do.

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