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Liz Cheney Is No Lincoln

Liz Cheney Is No Lincoln


Looks like Democratic Rep. Elaine Luria’s pick to head the Republican Party just got her derriere kicked in Wyoming’s primary election.

In a “Meet the Press” interview with Chuck Todd on July 24, Luria said of her friend; “She’s one of a very few number of people who need to be the face of the Republican Party in the future.”

I guess voters in the Cowboy State expect their representatives to actually represent them when they get to Washington. Not go rogue.

Beyond that, it’s doubtful that Wyoming residents want an East Coast liberal like Luria telling them how to vote.

Good for them.

One of the most amusing developments of the past year has been the left’s sudden infatuation with a Cheney. Seems like just yesterday Democrats were calling Dick Cheney a “warmonger” and comparing him to Hitler.

No more. Now, the man whose reckless adventurism got America into bloody, endless wars is the darling daddy of the left-wing’s favorite Republican.

In fact, Democrats were thrilled with a political ad Dick made slamming Donald Trump and praising his daughter.

Not that it did Liz much good. Neither did her cheesy tactic of urging Democrats to cross over and vote for her.

In 2020 Trump won Wyoming with 69.9 percent of the vote to Biden’s 26 percent. When last I checked, at about 11 p.m. Tuesday, Hageman was winning with 63 percent of the vote to Cheney’s embarrassing 32 percent.

In fact, in 2020 Biden won in just one Wyoming county: Teton. That’s where all of the woke liberal millionaires live. According to the Census Bureau, the median cost of an owner-occupied home in Teton County is $850,800. By contrast, Campbell County, where Trump took a jaw-dropping 86 percent of the vote is more blue collar. The median home value there is $224,400.

We all know that states - like Wyoming and Virginia - that make it easy for non-party members  to sign up and vote in the other party’s primaries see a little mischief at election time. But when was the last time a Republican actually admitted that her own party loathed her and began begging libs to vote for her?

Sad, really.

Yes, we know, Democrats laud Liz as a woman of conscience. Odd, they didn’t regard follow Democrat Joe Manchin as a man of conscience until he voted for Biden’s Tax and Spend bill last week. Prior to that, he was the party’s pariah who refused to support court packing, an end to the filibuster, and Biden’s so-called Build Back Better bill.

Less than 90 minutes after polls closed last night, Liz Cheney conceded the primary to Harriet Hageman. I tried to watch her concession speech, but had to turn it off when she compared herself to Abraham Lincoln.

"Abraham Lincoln was defeated in elections for the Senate and House before he won the most important election of all…,“ she intoned.

Oh please. Have a little humility, Liz. Voters in Wyoming’s District 1 sent you to Washington as their surrogate. You double crossed them. 

Now you can launch your quixotic quest to run for president.

Who knows, maybe Elaine Luria will vote for you. Nah, unlike Republicans, Democrats never break ranks. 

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