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What’s Happened To Ireland?

What’s Happened To Ireland?

When I lived in Ireland in the early 1980s I went through a grueling ordeal once a year when I was forced to plead with the Irish government to allow me - a registered “resident alien” - to remain in the country for one more year.

Back then, Ireland fiercely protected its borders.

To live in Ireland even temporarily you had to show a bank balance large enough to mean that you wouldn’t be on the dole. You were interrogated to make sure you weren’t what they called a “tourist terrorist” - Americans who were sympathetic to the IRA which was waging guerrilla war on the British presence in the North. Plus, you had to assure officials that you weren’t taking the job of an Irish person.

As a journalist, that meant I had to produce a yearly letter from the National Union of Journalists saying that my work did not displace an Irish writer.

Finally, before the immigration official would stamp my papers, I’d get the DEPORT Lecture: Break ANY Irish law and I’d be DEPORTED, drive a car too fast, DEPORTED, get caught with marijuana , DEPORTED, get caught without my papers DEPORTED.

It worked. I never drove one mile over the speed limit, never stayed at a party where pot was present and didn’t canoodle with terrorists.

I knew I was a guest in the country and I respected the laws.

Fast forward to the present and Ireland has foolishly done what the Biden administration did: Opened its borders to immigrants from all over the world. These are migrants with no intention of assimilating. Instead, they bring their own cultures and customs with them and the results are a strain on social services and resentment from the established population.

On top of that, Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar is making the same mistakes made by other Western leftist regimes. He’s embracing DEI: diversity, equity and inclusion.

How exactly do you enforce diversity in a country that is 94.1% white?

You import people.

The results of Ireland’s experiment with open borders and imported diversity? Entirely predictable: Clashes and crime.

Riots broke out in Dublin this week after an immigrant - reportedly a Muslim from Algeria - stabbed four people outside of an elementary school. Two of the victims are still hospitalized. Worse, immigrants taking advantage of the unrest in the streets began looting stores.

Suddenly, an unlikely Irish spokesman emerged: The country’s best-known athlete, UFC champ Conor McGregor.

McGregor’s on the attack.

When the Irish prime minister issued a tone-deaf statement Sunday after the release of Emily Hand, who was captured by Hamas and held for 50 days, McGregor hammered him.

Varadkar foolishly described the rescue of Emily as, “An innocent child who was lost has now been found and returned, and we breathe a massive sigh of relief.”

McGregor retorted:

She was abducted by an evil terrorist organization. What is with you and your government and your paid for media affiliates constantly down playing / attempting to repress horrific acts that happen to children. You are a disgrace. The day after a stabbing of children in Ireland, NOT ONE PAPER HAD IT ON THEIR FRONT COVER. We will not forget.”

In yet one more move to imitate the failing, feckless Biden administration, Varadkar has now unleashed the justice department on his critic. Police are reortedly investigating McGregor for hate speech.

Just like America, Irish has a left-wing press that supports Varadkar’s policies.

The Irish people need only look to America to see what happens when borders are open and law enforcement is used to punish political enemies.

The outcome isn’t good. It only empowers the figure being persecuted. Who knows, McGregor could run for office.

Why not? A growing number of Irish people seem to agree with Elon Musk:

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