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Indicted: Donald Trump

Indicted: Donald Trump

Many things can be true at once:

First, it is unthinkable that a Democrat Department of Justice has indicted not only a former president, but also someone who is likely to be the nominee of the opposing party for president.

The whole move reeks of political motives.

Especially since President Biden was also caught with classified materials - decades worth - that he kept in his garage even while his degenerate son was living in the house.

Yet no charges and little outrage.

Selective prosecution? Hell, yes.

This won’t stop with Donald Trump. The pendulum always swings two ways. Those on the left celebrating the Trump indictments have been warned.

Second, if the charges that Trump refused to turn over classified documents when they were requested by the government are true he was outrageously arrogant and reckless.

What was he thinking?

Here’s a prediction: This will not turn out well for Donald Trump. Or the country.

Should Trump win the Republican nomination he’ll lose the White House to a feeble-minded geezer and we will almost certainly experience the horror of a Kamala Harris presidency.

If only Trump would put country or party first and step aside to concentrate on his legal defense. Not because he’s being bullied by Biden’s DOJ, but because he’s smart enough to know that 37 federal indictments will not persuade independents to vote for him.

And he can’t win without those indie votes.

Given what we know about Donald Trump, he will not withdraw. In fact, the indictments probably steeled his determination.

So only Republican primary voters - no matter how much they love Trump and believe he’s being persecuted - can save us.

They need to nominate someone other than the former president.

For the good of the country.

The White House Is Not A Billboard

The White House Is Not A Billboard

Snow In June