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The White House Is Not A Billboard

The White House Is Not A Billboard

Here’s an idea: One brave presidential candidate in 2024 should promise that if elected he or she will refrain from turning the White House into a cheesy billboard.

That candidate will have my vote.

That would mean no more colored lights aimed at the residence to honor ANY group. No flags hanging from the balustrades of the temporary home of the President of the United States except the Stars and Stripes.

No exceptions.

That’s right. No more green lights on St. Paddy’s Day, no more pink lights for breast cancer awareness (we’re aware) no more blue for autism awareness (we’re also aware) no more yellow and gold for Ukraine.

I don’t know which knucklehead first started bathing the People’s House in multicolored lights, but it cheapens the mansion owned by the people.

Sometimes it’s deeply divisive.

Take this past weekend, for instance, when Biden - or whoever is pulling his strings - ordered the White House bathed in rainbow colors to honor the beginning of pride month. That quaint tradition was started by President Obama, by the way.

Of course mere lights weren’t enough for lefties who consider pride month to be the holiest time of the year. The White House was not only ablaze in rainbow colors at night but a pride “progress” flag was hanging on the White House itself, flanked by two American flags.

Biden was immediately hammered by conservatives for violating flag etiquette. Gay pride supporters countered by pointing out that an American flag actually flies from the roof of the White House so that one was higher than the pride flag. 


Must we really have these arguments? At the White House? Why would we display ANY flag other than the national one on federal property?

Ok, so Biden held a pride celebration on the White House lawn last weekend. As usual, trans activists took it too far and videos of several activists ripping off their clothes and fondling their own fake breasts, or scars where their breasts used to be, went viral.

With the three flags as a backdrop. Nice touch.

The shots didn’t appear to be photoshopped. No, I’m not linking to them. Check Twitter, they’re everywhere.

Enough already. The White House lawn isn’t Fire Island. Let’s restore a little dignity there. If that means ending the annual Easter Egg roll, I’m okay with that, too. Why not destroy the beloved children’s celebration that was instituted by President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1878? The country we once knew is gone anyway.

Just stop with ALL of the lights and the flags and the idiotic parties. The country is facing serious economic problems and is deeply divided over cultural issues. We’re well aware that the president stands with the far-left wing of his party.

In his remarks Saturday, Biden actually looked out at the crowd of gay pride enthusiasts and read this off of the teleprompter: 

"You're some of the bravest and most inspiring people I've ever known. And I've known a lot of good folks," Biden said. "I see more courage in this lawn than I've seen in any time in the recent past."

This was exactly 10 days after he delivered the commencement address at the Air Force Academy.

Enough already.

Virginia Beach School Board Holds Virtue-Signaling Vote At 2:15 a.m.

Virginia Beach School Board Holds Virtue-Signaling Vote At 2:15 a.m.

Indicted: Donald Trump

Indicted: Donald Trump