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Mayor Adams: I'm Here To Help

Mayor Adams: I'm Here To Help

For goodness sakes, Eric Adams, quit your bellyaching  about being overrun with illegal immigrants and start using your imagination.

Oh please. The mayor of New York is boo-hooing about roughly 70,000 illegals who have come to his city in recent months. Someone please remind hizzoner that those numbers are insignificant. In fact, it’s like tinkling in the Grand Canyon compared to what Texas, Arizona and other border states are seeing.

From a variety of news reports it’s clear that New York has ample room. More every day, in fact, as common-sense folks flee.

According to Fox News, New York lost 468,200 residents between April of 2020 and July 2022. Most of the deserters fled New York’s oppressive Covid restrictions. At least 126,000 of them applied for Florida drivers licenses. 

So not only should that exodus result in an abundance of housing options for the migrants, but there’s also a record number of vacant office buildings. 

In fact, The New York Times reports a 17.4% office vacancy rate in Manhattan. Shoot, there must be tumbleweeds blowing around the Financial District where the vacancy rate is a stunning 25.6%. That amounts to 94 million square feet of empty space just waiting for migrants to move in.

Surely those unused workspaces could easily be converted into high-rise refugee camps. They’re temperature controlled with awesome views. So much comfier than those dusty camps in the border towns.

Make your guests feel at home, Mayor.

On top of that, consider how many New Yorkers have spare bedrooms. Most of these residents must be Democrats, after all 68% of registered voters in the city are registered Dems. A whopping 76.8% of Kings County (Brooklyn) were Biden voters. That means they voted for the policies that opened our Southern border and allowed an uninterrupted torrent of undocumented foreigners to stream into the U.S.

Frankly, these Democrats owe it to the rest of the country to put their leftist ideology to work. If every Biden voter with a spare bedroom allowed just one migrant family to move in, the NY housing crisis would be over.

Just think. The host family could feed and clothe their guests, saving taxpayers millions of dollars.

Mayor Adams needs to stop moaning about the newcomers and start acting like the moral leader of a proud Democratic city.

Here’s a thought. Gracie Mansion, the elegant historic manor house where the mayor lives, has five bedrooms. Adams’ only child, actor and hip-hop artist Jordan Coleman, is 26 and lives in New Jersey. Adams is unmarried. Using my abacus I reckon that means there are four empty bedrooms in the mayor’s house alone.

Roll out that Gracie Mansion welcome mat, mayor. You run a sanctuary city. Start acting like it.

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Jason Aldean: Bigger Than Ever

Jason Aldean: Bigger Than Ever