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Mike Shaw For Secretary Of The Interior

Mike Shaw For Secretary Of The Interior

In a recent interview Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said that last summer Donald Trump asked him and Tulsi Gabbard to begin work as part of his transition team. If elected, Trump told RFK, he didn’t want to make top-level personnel decisions in that short window of time between Election Day and the inauguration.


In the interest of helping out the transition team, I have a name that ought to be part of any Trump administration:

Mike Shaw.

Deputy State Forester Mike Shaw was the second-ranking official at the Oregon Department of Forestry. 

Emphasis on WAS.

On August 6th - at the height of wildfire season - he was suspended and placed on paid leave. State officials will not comment on why Shaw has been banished from his $192,288 job, but a former employee who filed complaints against him is talking and The Oregonian and other news outlets obtained documents released through FOIA requests.

According to the Oregonian and The Daily Mail, it was DEI watchdog Megan Donaker who spearheaded the attempt to get Shaw sacked. 

Donecker filed a complaint about Shaw. She claimed that his hiring practices were suspect because he sought only the “candidates most qualified for the job.”

Donecker, who worked as the department's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion chief claimed six queer staffers didn't 'feel safe or comfortable' at work because they could not have conversations about their personal lives or “conversations around pronouns.”

A report in The Oregonian said that Donaker “said Shaw told her he looks beyond gender and identity in hiring, seeking only candidates most qualified for the job.

“He urged a more cautious approach to carrying out diversity and inclusion goals, comparing the pace of change to speeding on “an icy road,” she recalled.”

“We don’t go 60 (mph) out of the gate or we’re gonna crash the car,” she said Shaw told her during their one-on-one meeting on March 5.

Wait. What?

A high-ranking state employee actually insisted on hiring only the most qualified candidates, without regard for race, gender or sexual orientation?

Not only that, but he stood up to the DEI goons and refused to promote or hire state workers who checked diversity boxes.

Obviously, he’s finished in woke Oregon.

He needs a promotion. Shaw would make an excellent Secretary of the Interior. If Trump is elected, that is.

Doubtful he could get a job sweeping pine cones in a Harris administration.

Kamala Harris. Outfoxed.

Kamala Harris. Outfoxed.

Hampton Roads Military Bases Swarmed By Drones

Hampton Roads Military Bases Swarmed By Drones