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Kamala Harris. Outfoxed.

Kamala Harris. Outfoxed.


Kamala Harris, in her first tough interview with a real journalist - one who wasn’t giving her a juicy tongue bath - demonstrated that she’s a political dumpster fire when not wrapped in a warm hug.

Fox’s Bret Baier was polite but persistent through roughly 25 uncomfortable minutes last night, while Harris was rude and rattled. 

When the interviewer interrupted Harris it was because she had launched another rehearsed, time-wasting bloviation. Baier did a tremendous job, trying - fruitlessly most of the time - to get her to answer questions.

From the start, there was no sign of Harris’ “joyful” campaign. No giggles. No endless nodding. She was completely unmasked as a superficial, angry candidate who tries to disguise her far-left leanings with finger-pointing and pointless chatter.

In fact, the interview was supposed to be longer, but Harris and her entourage showed up late to the taping and Baier said her team was jumping around forcing him to wrap prematurely.

Baier opened the abbreviated interview by asking how many illegals had been released into the country on her watch. She blustered and filibustered, but refused to answer. He persisted, asking her for a number. She tap-danced and evaded. 

No viewer was fooled.

He then played a tape of the grief-stricken mother of one of the girls who was murdered by a violent illegal monster Harris let into the country. Baier gave the vice president the opportunity to apologize to the mother.

She declined, offering instead a weak, general bromide about being sorry about the killing.

Given her third chance in a week to explain how her administration would differ from the current one, Harris spewed a vague, meaningless platitude.

What a vapid individual.

Baier was the first interviewer to ask her about whether she still supported taxpayer supported sex-change surgeries for prison inmates. She dodged that question, too, saying she’d “follow the law.”

I wish he’d followed up with a question about the Biden-Harris changes to Title IX and boys in girls sports, but he didn’t. No time.

Then Bret hit her with a zinger: Pointing out that she met weekly with Joe Biden for three and a half years, Baier asked when she first noticed his “mental faculties appeared diminished.”

Here’s her answer:

She attempted to turn it around on Trump (this is her campaign’s latest tactic, claiming Trump is mentally impaired). She wants us to believe that she’s able to judge the mental acuity of a man she met exactly once and who is campaigning twice as hard as she is, but she didn’t notice that Joe Biden - whom she met with weekly - needed a drool bucket?


If Kamala Harris agreed to this interview to reach Fox’s vast viewing audience and convince them that she’s a serious candidate, she failed.

In fact, Harris wasn’t able to give a single coherent answer. She forced Baier to repeatedly interrupt her as Harris spouted memorized lines and Trump hate.

Kamala Harris isn’t ready for prime time. She proved that last night in her first sit down with an interviewer who didn’t appear to be on the payroll of her campaign.

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