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New York Trump Supporters To Biden Surrogate De Niro: “You’re A Mook!”

New York Trump Supporters To Biden Surrogate De Niro: “You’re A Mook!”

We all know the prosecutions of Donald Trump are political. Democrat prosecutors in New York, Georgia and Florida are trying to convict Trump of something - anything - before the November election.

But until yesterday the Biden campaign pretended it had nothing to do with the cases.

Once the campaign stationed Biden surrogate Robert De Niro outside of the N.Y. courthouse where Trump is on trial to call the former president names the mask was ripped off President Biden’s desperate tactics.

Not a good look.

It was a quintessential New York event. Brimming over with profanity and insults.

De Niro, 80, called Trump an “clown” and his supporters “gangsters” during an altercation with a crowd of Trump supporters. Clearly, he expected that as a native  New Yorker the sidewalk spectators might embrace him.

Not a chance.

It didn’t help that De Niro arrived looking like an unwell geezer, sporting an N-95 mask outdoors on a sunny day. Then again, perhaps he wore it merely to signal that he’s a Democrat.

The actor was surrounded by half a dozen beefy goons and it turned out he needed them. Once at the microphones he launched his boilerplate anti-Trump attack - the same one he’s repeated for years now on any late-night show that will have him - while car horns and hecklers attempted to drown him out.

De Niro was able to keep his composure for a short time, but became increasingly unhinged as his fellow New Yorkers launched insults and profanities at him.

De Niro called Trump and Trump supporters clowns, while a member of the crowd shouted “You’re washed up” to which the actor, who’s good at reading lines, not so great at thinking on his feet screamed back. There were other insults and they were fired at him from all sides.

“F you”.

I had to look that one up:

It was not a beautiful moment in American political discourse. Then again, what’s transpiring inside the courthouse isn’t a shining example of American jurisprudence, either, so it was fitting.

In a scene seemingly inspired by Franz Kafka’s “The Trial,” a former president is on trial and until yesterday neither he nor the jury was told what crime he is accused of committing.

That’s OK with Hollywood lefties. Trump’s real crime was beating Hillary in 2016.

The left has been after him ever since. Now they’re prosecuting him and campaigning on the courthouse steps.

Thumbnail photo of Robert DeNiro by David Shankbone

Footloose Aaron Spence. Having Fun On Loudoun County’s Dime.

Footloose Aaron Spence. Having Fun On Loudoun County’s Dime.

Biden’s Latest Foreign Policy Folly: The Pier

Biden’s Latest Foreign Policy Folly: The Pier