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Democrat Dishonesty About Biden’s Dementia

Democrat Dishonesty About Biden’s Dementia

Don’t be fooled.

There’s only one reason the Democrats are in a panic about Joe Biden.

It isn’t because they now know that the president is senile.

It’s because YOU know it.

They’ve been lying to you for years trying to keep this secret. Now they’ve been caught.

Biden is a feeble man with a feeble mind who holds the freaking nuclear codes and Dems didn’t care. Until now. On Thursday night the president’s  brain short-circuited on prime-time TV and the masquerade was over.

There was no way for Biden’s ridiculous mouthpiece, Karine Jean-Pierre, to dismiss this as a “cheap fake.” Not when everyone saw what a blubbering fool is leading the Free World.

There’d been a massive, coordinated cover-up of the president’s dementia that stretched from Biden’s inner circle to cabinet officers to the press that has given the president tongue baths since he took office in 2021.

They all knew about Biden’s deteriorating condition. Still, they tried to silence anyone who dared point it out.

The legacy press may be the worst of the liars. They have one job: Tell the truth. They failed.

Reporters and editors and The New York Times editorial board knew the truth about Biden but didn’t bother reporting it. They didn’t want you to know what they knew.

That’s how much they loathe Trump. Now that it looks like Biden will lose the election to the former president, they want him out.

What a disgusting bunch of “journalists.”

Television talking heads are no better. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough is despicable.

Just two weeks ago those of us who pointed out that Barack Obama had to help Biden off a stage were told that this was just a case of two old friends walking together. Anyone who saw a man who couldn’t find his way off stage was an evil ultra-MAGA Republican.

Americans should be furious. They’ve been duped.

The Democrat primaries were rigged to exclude Robert Kennedy Jr. Now the Biden apparatchiks - the self-proclaimed “defenders of democracy” - are trying to keep RFK Jr. off state ballots, something they also tried with Trump. They were trying to rig the 2024 election to have just one choice on the ballot: Dementia Joe.

This foolish president - who has managed to bring the world to the brink of World War III - actually said on Thursday night that the greatest existential threat to our country is climate change.

Kudos for spitting out a big four-syllable word like “existential,” Joe, but that is insane.

We’re closer to war with Russia than at any time since the Bay of Pigs, thanks to our C-student president. He  goaded Russia into invading Ukraine with his nonchalant talk of a “limited incursion,” his promises to get Ukraine into NATO and his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Now he’s given Ukraine permission to use American-made offensive weapons inside Russia.

The American halfwit president is playing chicken with Russian strongman Vladimir Putin.

Biden’s worried about global warming while those of us without dementia are worried about nuclear winter.

Special Counsel Robert Hur tried to warn the nation about Biden’s decrepitude in February with his report that said Joe Biden could be prosecuted for mishandling classified documents but wasn’t competent to stand trial.

If Democrats had reacted with “panic” four months ago - before Super Tuesday - there was time to fix this and involve Democrat primary voters. Instead, party power brokers and the president himself viciously attacked Hur.

Hur should get a medal. He tried.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has fought to keep the audio of the interview from being released.

Now we all know why. It’s a big part of the cover-up. Garland has been held in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over the audio recording. He should be in a cell next to Steve Bannon’s in Danbury.

OK, here’s one more lie that needs to be dispelled: Joe Biden is a “good man.”

He is not.

Biden has always been a liar, a plagiarizer, an ill-tempered grifter and a race-baiter. His entire family has been influence peddling on the Biden name.

Time to stop all the gaslighting around Biden. Worse than this failed president are those who stood before the American people and lied to them to retain power.

Disgust is all we should feel for Biden’s family, inner circle, disciples and the press that played along with the fiction that the president wasn’t falling apart.

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