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Biden Appeared To Be Fully Conscious For 4 1/2 Minutes Monday

Biden Appeared To Be Fully Conscious For 4 1/2 Minutes Monday

As if to prove that leaks from his aides to Axios - that the president is only alert from 10 to 4 every day - were untrue, Joe Biden boldly appeared before cameras at 7:45 last night at the White House.

Late-night Joe was able to read off a teleprompter for 4 1/2 minutes.

The vigor! The sharpness! The deftly applied rouge to his cheeks!

Biden held a hastily called press conference to gripe that the Supreme Court foiled his plans to put his political opponent on trial before the election.

He was reacting to Monday’s Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, which - if he had any self-awareness - he’d praise because it means if Trump is elected he can’t prosecute Biden for any crimes he’s committed in the past 3 1/2 years.

The court decision essentially says that U.S. presidents have absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for any official acts they engage in during their presidency. The decision means the case against Trump will be sent back to a lower court and it is highly unlikely the case will get to trial before November.

This decision infuriated the foundering Biden camp. All of their plans are going awry.

First they weaponized the justice system to go after Donald Trump, then Biden showed the nation that he’s unfit for office in the debate and now the Supreme Court has ruled against Biden’s attempts to take down a political foe in court before the election.

He’s big mad about it.

There was nothing left for Biden to do but to go on TV looking less like a corpse than he did last week while trying to delegitimize the Supreme Court.

Biden essentially proclaimed Trump guilty in the case involving the January 6th riot and gave marching orders to the judge and prosecutor to rush the case. He also lied about Trump’s role in what happened on January 6th.

If Biden still has a law license he should be disbarred for openly meddling in a legal matter involving his political opponent. It’s absolutely unethical. It’s also astonishing and highly unethical for a sitting president to go on television to attack the highest court in the land.

(He should also refrain from delivering nakedly political speeches from the White House.)

Biden pledged to respect the constraints on the presidency, while forgetting that the Supreme Court last year ruled that he lacked the authority to forgive student debt and he did it anyway.

In closing - did I mention he spoke for 4 1/2 minutes? - Biden echoed Monday’s hyperbolic dissent penned by a bitter Justice Sonia Sotomayor:

“I dissent,” Biden said. “May God bless you all and may God help preserve our democracy.”

Will someone please tell Joe Biden that we don’t live in a democracy? (If we did, boys would not be playing girls’ sports. ) We live in a constitutional republic.

Oh, and to no one’s surprise Biden shuffled out of the 4 1/2 minute press conference, taking no questions shouted to him by a frustrated press corps.

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