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Biden Bails

Biden Bails

He’s gone.


The ruthless, backstabbing Democrat party bosses with their threats and leaks made it impossible for Joe Biden to stay in the presidential race.

On Sunday he was forced by saboteurs in his own party to pull out. He didn’t leave because he’s a selfless politician. He didn’t drop out with dignity. He didn’t quit because he wanted to get out.

Biden bailed because crass, power-hungry party elites launched a palace coup against him.

I don’t want to hear one more word about Donald Trump being a threat to democracy when Democrat oligarchs just stomped all over their own primaries and invalidated the votes of about 14 million Democrats who came out in the dead of winter to say they wanted Joe Biden to be re-elected.

Democrats nullified their own primaries because their candidate was headed for defeat.


Even more astonishing is that the announcement didn’t come directly from Biden, on camera. It came via X, which is managed by a staffer.

The president hasn’t been seen in several days since it was announced he was recuperating from mild symptoms of covid. He was reportedly planning to hit the campaign trail as early as today.

Most White House staffers learned of the decision as the rest of the country did, on social media Sunday afternoon.

This adds Soviet-style intrigue to the weekend’s events.

And no, this is nothing like what LBJ did 56 years ago.

The last president to decide not to run for re-election was Lyndon Johnson. But Johnson was not the victim of thugs in his own party. He left because it was clear his polices were unpopular and also at the urging of his wife who had had enough of Washington.

Oh and he dropped out on March 31, 1968 with plenty of time to prevent chaos in the Democrat party.

Democrats may believe they have a new lease on the White House, but they face many obstacles.

First and foremost, this is a party of liars. And all of America knows it.

For years Democrat politicians knew that Biden was increasingly losing his mind but they lied. Their stenographers in the press corps repeated the lies. When Special Counsel Robert Hur tried to warn the country in his February report, essentially saying that Biden shouldn’t be charged with crimes for stealing classified documents because he wasn’t competent to stand trial, Dems, including heir apparent Kamala Harris, reacted with fury and indignation.

One of the first questions Kamala Harris should be asked is when did she realize that the president was suffering from dementia and why did she do nothing about it.

The Trump campaign should relentlessly zero in on the catastrophic mess on the southern border. Kamala had one job: she was the border czar. Under her watch the country was overrun with millions of unvetted illegals. That failure also makes her responsible for the 85,000 children that have been lost since they entered the country.

Outside of the administration’s inflationary policies, nothing has been more destructive to the nation than the open border. And that’s all on Kamala.

In the coming weeks we may learn what Biden and his family of grifters were promised to get him out of the race: cash, a palatial presidential library, pardons for Hunter.

Or all of the above.

The Bidens were clearly holding out for something because once Joe is out of the White House their lucrative influence-peddling operation is over.

Who knows, eventually we may even learn who’s been running the country during Biden’s mental decline.

The presidential race changed on Sunday. But the GOP was ready. In anticipation of the party swapping Kamala for Joe there were numerous references to the “Biden/Harris” administration during the Republican National Convention. That was deliberate. The anti-Kamala ads are already on social media.

Fact is, Joe Biden’s poll problems weren’t due to his mental decline but his failed policies.

Those policies are the policies of Kamala Harris.

That’s a problem that doesn’t disappear with Joe Biden.

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