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AP Flash: Sometimes the Weather is Hot!

by Steve Haner

Today’s Richmond Times-Dispatch contained one of the most ridiculous statements of the blatantly obvious ever distributed by the once-venerable Associated Press. The headline: “Poll: Extreme Heat Impacting Most Americans.” We needed a poll to learn that.

Except in the coolest of summers here in North America there are always days, or a stretch of days, when high temps and humidity force a change in behavior compared to nice days. Yet we get this as “news”:

The poll found that about 7 in 10 Americans have been personally affected by extremely hot weather or extreme heat waves over the past five years…That makes extreme heat a more common experience than other weather events or natural disasters like wildfires, major droughts and hurricanes, which up to one-third of U.S. adults said they’ve been personally affected by.

Wow. Hot summer days are more common than hurricanes. Science in action! Who knew? Then this:

A sizable share of Americans, around 4 in 10, report that extreme heat has had at least a minor impact on their sleep, pets or exercise routine.

Only seven in ten or four in ten? The only possible reason it wasn’t ten in ten in both paragraphs is the poll must have included Alaskans or people living up in the Rocky Mountains. Of course, many don’t have pets or never exercise. More than 60 years ago when I was a child living on an Air Force base in the high California desert, with no AC in our house or car, extreme heat dictated our summer daily schedules. Millions of Americans still live without air conditioning or cannot afford to run it. Nobody who works for AP, apparently.

Climate alarmists are either stupid or assume the vast majority of Americans are stupid. The same applies to too many of the climate “journalists” who enable them. The RTD’s near-daily effort to scare its readers into accepting the end-is-nigh nonsense was more engaging when it had its own dedicated climate propagandist on staff, but he moved on long ago.

Reposted with permission from Bacon’s Rebellion.