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Biden Shivved And Shelved By His Own Party

It’s tempting to say that Joe Biden deserved better at the Democratic National Convention.

After all, just four weeks earlier he was not only the sitting president, but the undisputed nominee of the Democrat Party. Biden had garnered 14 million primary votes for his re-election. 

Yet there he was, delivering his speech way past his - and everyone else’s - bedtime on the D-list Monday night line-up at the Democratic National Convention. Clearly the party bosses didn’t want him on prime time TV and had scheduled him for a 10 p.m. slot. Then, because of windy speeches by the rest of the JV team, he didn’t take the stage until 11:30 p.m. EST. 

Biden finished after midnight and was whisked off to California for the rest of the convention, well out of sight of TV cameras. 

There will be few reminders this week that Kamala Harris is a key part of the Biden administration and the “last one in the room” for all of the bad decisions during this failed presidency. 

Disrespectful to old Joe? You bet. The 81-year-old war horse was not only forced off the ticket in a coup, but now he’s been what the Soviets used to call “disappeared.” You won’t see much more of this loser between now and Election Day. 

It was tempting to feel sorry for old Joe. Until you actually listened to his angry tirade full of debunked lies and out-of-context misleading garbage.

Biden couldn’t choke out the word “Israel” for fear of alienating the sizable number of antisemites in his party, but he did blurt a revolting shout-out to the Hamas supporters on the streets of Chicago.

The lies were everywhere in Biden’s speech. The same ones that have been debunked and trotted out by Biden on countless occasions.

Once again Biden falsely claimed that Trump told folks to inject bleach in their veins during covid, that the former president said there were “very fine people” on both sides in Charlottesville, that he called fallen American soldiers “suckers and losers” that Trump said there would be a “bloodbath” if he lost the election. 

Lies or twisted interpretations all.

No surprise.

Biden has been a liar and plagiarizer his entire career. He had a chance to give a touching benedictory Monday night.

Instead, Biden stayed true to form: Lying, shouting and pandering until he wandered off the stage and into oblivion.

Good riddance.