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The Trump-Harris 3-On-1 Debate

The Trump-Harris 3-On-1 Debate

Last night’s presidential debate was a train wreck. And not just for Donald Trump who did not have a good night.

The biggest loser was the corporate media, specifically ABC News and its biased moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis. They not only posed weak questions, but they repeatedly helped Kamala Harris by “fact-checking” Trump while not once correcting the many lies Harris spewed.

They dog-piled on the former president all night.

It was an embarrassing performance by these so-called journalists. They acted as surrogates for the DNC. If it wasn’t clear before the debate it was abundantly clear at the outset that the media is in the tank for Harris.

In fact, they were Candy Crowleys on steroids. (Crowley was the moderator of the second Obama-Romney debate in October of 2012. She was widely criticized after she jumped in and corrected Romney when he accused Obama of waiting two weeks to characterize what happened in Benghazi “an act of terror.” Crowley later admitted Romney was right and she was wrong. Too late. The damage was done.) Crowley’s obvious bias led to her departure from CNN within a year and a half. She went into academia, where lefties needn’t hide their prejudices.

Frankly, Republican candidates should refuse to engage in any more debates on the biased networks and cable stations. Why bother? 

Like any lawyer, Kamala Harris was well-prepared for the debate. She’d memorized her lines and delivered them calmly. Her strategy was to dance around questions without answering them and to relentlessly insult and needle Trump. She called him a “disgrace,” “weak” and a “liar.” She mocked his rallies and his late father. She succeeded in getting under his skin and he reacted in a typical Trumpian way: by getting angry.

The former president missed multiple opportunities to call her out on her radical policies. At times he was sputtering.

ABC’s partiality was evident almost from the start. When Trump brought up the tense situation in Springfield, Ohio where 20,000 Haitians have been resettled in a town of 58,000 Muir interrupted to say the city manager denied that family pets were being stolen by the migrants.

“A city manager would say that,” Trump retorted.

That was the start of the moderators helping Harris.

When Harris linked Trump to Project 2025, when she repeated the “fine people on both sides” lie about Charlottesville, the “bloodbath” lie, the “dictator” lie, the inciting a riot lie, the moderators were mute.

Yet when Trump referred to former Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s appalling 2019 radio interview where he said that when an unwanted baby is brought into the world the baby is kept “comfortable” until the mother decides if its life should be saved.

Davis lashed out, “informing” Trump that killing babies isn’t legal in any state. Trump was talking about what the Democrats WANT not what currently exists.


What will viewers take away from this debate? This: It was an unfair forum. Moderators were not supposed to debate the candidates. Yet they debated Trump. At one point Harris’ mic was unmuted even though it wasn’t her turn to speak and she was able to interrupt her opponent.

These two ABC clowns didn’t even try to hide their partisanship. Instead of peppering both candidates with tough questions in an even-handed manner, they put their thumbs on the scales for Harris.

The American people are about to pick the leader of the Free World. They deserved better than the rigged debate that ABC served up last night.

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