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Lies, Lies And More Lies

Lies, Lies And More Lies

This will come as no surprise to those paying attention, but in case you haven’t heard, you’re being lied to.

Relentlessly. Every damn day.

The legacy media is lying to you and so are politicians. Sometimes the lies are subtle, sometimes they’re in-your-face brazen.

Here’s Joe Biden lying just yesterday.

Sorry, Joe. As much as you wish you could wave your magic wand and create 20,000 new Democrat voters in Springfield Ohio, these are not “Haitian-Americans.

They are Haitians. Flown into the country under a temporary protective order issued by the Biden/Harris administration a sort of emergency asylum process. They are not lawful permanent residents or U.S. citizens.

Eventually, these Haitians could be sent back to Haiti. Chances are, they’re here to stay.

But one thing Biden can’t change is their citizenship. They are not Americans. They are not hyphenated Americans.

But nice try, Joe. Say it often enough and the ladies on The View will start calling them Haitian-Americans too.

Biden’s irrelevant. Let’s move on. Here’s Tim Walz lying yesterday.

Because the Democrats lose on every single issue important to American voters except abortion, they are now lying about Trump’s position. Trump has said repeatedly that he believes abortion laws should be set by the states and that he does’t support a federal abortion ban. He’s also said he believes his state’s - Florida’s - 6-week ban is too short.

But if baby killing is all you’ve got you have to lie about it. The notion that Trump wants to establish a “government entity” to monitor women and enforce abortion bans is insane. Made up out of whole cloth.

Yet the party of death literally has nothing else. So they lie.

Media examples abound.

Here’s CNN’s Dana Bash lying right to JD Vance’s face on Sunday. She claims that by repeating stories Vance was told by his constituents about the behavior of Haitians in Springfield, the senator is responsible for a rash of bomb threats that have plagued that city’s schools and hospitals.

The very next day, Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio said the threats originated overseas.

Remind me, has Dana Bash apologized to Vance yet?

I didn’t think so.

Finally, here’s Kamala Harris telling a bold-faced whopper during the debate. She said that “as of today not one member of the US military is on active duty in an active war zone.”

Naturally, the ABC moderators who appeared to be on the payroll of the DNC did not fact check her.

But soldiers on active duty did.

These liars and their lickspittles in the media are pathetic.

Help Wanted: Secret Service Agents

Help Wanted: Secret Service Agents