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What Exactly Has Kamala Harris Been Doing For the Past 3 1/2 Years?

What Exactly Has Kamala Harris Been Doing For the Past 3 1/2 Years?

Yes, yes, well all heard. Kamala Harris so brat! She’s your day-drinking wine aunt. Everybody’s Mamala!

As she’s fond of reminding us, she was “raised a middle class kid” and is a role model. In fact, she’s the self-proclaimed president of the role model club.

Not an easy job.

You know what else she is? An abyssmal failure. Everything she’s touched since becoming Biden’s veep has crashed and burned.

She was the border czar at a time when illegal border crossings were at historic  highs, millions of illegals poured over the border, hundreds of thousands were flown in by the Biden/Harris administration and upwards of 30,000 unaccompanied children were brought into the US, turned over to random adults and traffickers and promptly lost by US authorities. Scores of suspected terrorists were in the mobs invading the country, too.

On day one, she and Joe Biden reversed Trump’s effective border policies. What followed were three years of chaos, until Biden issued an executive order a few months ago to get numbers down before the election.

This was Kamala’s portfolio. She failed miserably.

Next, Biden put her in charge of bringing the internet to rural corners of the U.S., proving once again that the president is not a smart man.

In testimony before Congress, FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr mocked Vice President Kamala Harris's $42 billion broadband initiative, saying it hasn't connected a single person to the internet in 3 years.

"In 2021, VP Harris agreed to lead a $42 billion effort to expand internet access to millions. It's been 1,039 days, and no one has been connected—no homes, no businesses, not even a shovel in the ground.”

That’s right, she made a mess of it. Not a single household or business is connected to the internet through this pricey program. Billions wasted.

Worse, in his testimony before Congress, Carr noted that Harris and Biden wanted to punish Elon Musk who had offered the administration a sweet deal: charging just $1,500 per location for Starlink.

But Harris and Biden didn’t want to give Musk the win, so instead they embarked on their own location services that are costing $100,000 per location.

Hey, it’s just money.

There’s more. In 2021, Kamala was also put in charge of building 50,000 EV charging stations each year from coast to coast.

“The future of transportation in our nation and around the world is electric,’' she gushed at an EV charging facility in suburban Maryland, where she expressed amazement that charging a car doesn’t involve fumes.

Harris was given $7.5 billion - yep that’s billion with a B - to jump start the program that would make buying EVs attractive to Americans.

Three years later, Harris built exactly eight charging stations.

Eight! Ocho! Acht! Huit!

That’s a stunning waste of tax dollars, no matter the language.

Which raises the question, what exactly HAS Kamala Harris been doing the past three and one half years?

Other than plotting to overthrow Joe Biden and grab the presidency for herself…

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Lies, Lies And More Lies