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Don’t Vote To Allow More Criminals In The U.S.

Don’t Vote To Allow More Criminals In The U.S.

I have an assignment for you today. For everyone reading this.

Share this post. Not to feed my ego. To spread the news that the Biden/Harris administration - the one that dismantled Donald Trump’s immigration policies on day one and proceeded to tear down chunks of the border wall - has admitted tens of thousands of violent criminals into this country.


As usual, the legacy media ignores news that harms Democrats. It’s up to us, the unwashed, to communicate this to the uniformed.

On Friday, as Kamala Harris was posing for her 20-minute photo op at the Arizona border, ICE released some stunning information. (Oh, and in addition to her more casual designer togs, Kamala was wearing her $62,000 Tiffany necklace. Check it out. I mean, who’d want to leave that in their sock drawer with so many criminals on the loose?)

As of July of this year, according to the data provided by ICE, over 435,719 convicted criminal immigrants were on ICE's non-detained docket.Of those, 13,099 were murderers. Another 15,000 were convicted sex offenders.

Not all came in during the last three years, but with the mass, uncontrolled invasion at the southern border, initiated by Biden and Harris, these numbers are almost certainly conservative.

Given that, it’s a miracle that migrant crime isn’t worse than it is. And it’s bad.

The Biden/Harris airlift of Venezuelans introduced the Tren de Aragua gang into the U.S. Just what we need, a brutal street gang that makes MS-13 look like the Boy Scouts.

What these numbers prove is that the open border policy of the current Biden/Harris administration is worse than we thought. The White House, predictably, had no comment on this breaking news Friday.

NBC News was one of the few legacy media outlets to even report on the stunning numbers:

There are currently more than 7.5 million immigrants on ICE’s “non-detained” docket, meaning they have pending immigration cases but are not currently in detention.

(Acting ICE director Patrick) Lechleitner told NBC News more local jurisdictions are cooperating and starting to rethink their sanctuary policies in light of increased attention on crimes committed by migrants.

NBC News joined ICE agents in Maryland earlier this year when they arrested a man convicted of murder in Colombia and a man convicted of attempted murder in El Salvador.

Agents explained that locating convicted criminals living at large takes an enormous amount of manpower, from locating them to the arrest.

You know what’s easier than trying to ferret out these dirtbags once they’re in the country? Never letting them cross the border at all. The Trump administration tried to keep them out. Until three months ago, the Biden/Harris administration winked at them and let them in.

Shoot, Kamala Harris is on the record saying that she believes that breaking into the country isn’t a crime. This is a clip she definitely doesn’t want you to share.

She also opposes deportation of those who came here illegally.

And we know that her “values haven’t changed.”

Kamala Harris’ stand on illegal immigration is disqualifying. Anyone knowingly allowing violent criminals into the country is expressing contempt for the law-abiding people who live here.

Vote accordingly. And please share this post. 

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