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Just When You Thought The Left Couldn’t Be Any More Vulgar…

Just When You Thought The Left Couldn’t Be Any More Vulgar…

Here’s a conundrum. I honestly don’t know what to do.

I want you to know just how sick Sen. Bernie Sanders and his supporters are, but I hesitate to print any of the vulgar and blasphemous lyrics that were performed at his rally this weekend by a “trans” singer.

As part of Sanders’ “Fight Oligarchy” tour in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Sanders invited Laura Jane Grace, a man pretending to be a woman, to warm up the crowd.

He warmed them up all right, with some of the most offensive, stomach turning, anti-Christian lyrics ever written.

I regret writing this, read these two sentences at your own risk:

"Does your God have a big fat ----?/ Cause it feels like he’s ----ing me,” the lyrics read.

It gets worse - much worse - from there.

Honestly, what is wrong with people? What is wrong with Sanders? What happened to Wisconsin?

If this creature sang this song and substituted Allah for God, some iman would issue a fatwah.

Christians don’t do that. All we can do is condemn this degenerate behavior.

Sanders can’t say that he didn’t approve of the satanic song, either. He singled the singer out and thanked him for performing.

I have news for the 83-year-old senator and his band of repulsive atheists, this crosses a line.

We may not be a Christian nation anymore, but the majority of us still identify as Christian, and we are not going to be quiet when sick people like the Sanders crowd debases itself and mocks our faith.

If the Democrats are still scratching their heads over November’s election results, this is the sort perversion that has outraged normal Americans.

We watched, appalled, as bare chested men with fake breasts pranced around the White House lawn in a Joe Biden Pride celebration. We watched as Biden put a lipstick-wearing man who engaged in “pup play” and stole women’s luggage in charge of  the nation’s nuclear waste.

We watched as a man in a dress - Rachel Levine - was named USA Today’s WOMAN of the year in 2022.

We watched two weeks ago as every single Democrat senator voted to allow males to compete in female sports.

Then we watched in disgust last week as soulless Democrats in Congress refused to clap for a 13-year-old with brain cancer, or for the mothers of murdered girls, or for the 95-year-old mother of a former Russian hostage, or for a young man receiving his appointment to West Point.

When they tell you who they are, believe them. Democrats have lost their way.

No longer do the two major political parties simply have policy disagreements. The left has embraced the profane and the perverse.

Normal Americans want nothing to do with them.

Mark Warner Vowed To Serve Only Two Terms: 29 Years Ago.

Mark Warner Vowed To Serve Only Two Terms: 29 Years Ago.