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Deport Mahmoud Khalil

Deport Mahmoud Khalil

They’ve done it again. Democrats have canonized another dirtbag. What is it with lefties and their affection for lawbreakers? First George Floyd. Now Mahmoud Khalil, a 31-year-old Syrian who has been involved with Hamas-aligned groups.

Democrats will twist themselves into knots trying to make this a free speech issue.

It’s not.

Donald Trump is a political genius. He’s got lefties screaming for the release of a terror-supporting lunatic, meanwhile they ignore the American citizen being held hostage by Hamas.

Mahmoud Khalil needs to go. He’s a resident alien in America, first given a student visa and then green card. He’s clearly violated the terms of his immigration status by calling for violence and his case cries out for deportation.

While born in Syria, he is reportedly a citizen of Algeria. Perhaps he’ll have a choice of which of these two lovely countries he wants to call home. That seems fair. His pregnant American wife can either go with him or learn to FaceTime

A question we should all be asking is which mindless government factotum approved a student visa and then a green card for this radical Islamist? Are we vetting aliens at all? Anyone coming from an unstable country that’s a hotbed of terrorism ought to be given a proctological exam before getting a visa.

This foreign national - a guest in our country - was the ringleader of illegal pro-Palestinian protests on the campus of Columbia University that took over buildings, injured university workers and blocked Jewish students from attending class. Just last month he led a radical group into a classroom and disrupted a lesson on Israel, terrorizing students.

This is not simply a matter of a foreigner exercising First Amendment rights on American soil. The First Amendment is clear, the constitution protects the freedom of speech and the “right of the people peaceably to assemble.”

The protests on Columbia’s campus were hardly peaceful. Jewish students were threatened and harassed and buildings were illegally occupied. 

That’s called trespassing, by the way. A crime was committed whether or not thumb-sucking Columbia administrators summoned law enforcement.

While everyone on American soil enjoys free speech protections, they are not entitled to visas and green cards. Those are privileges that are conferred and can be repealed by the state department if a person is a supporter of terrorism. The government needs to do a much better job of vetting recipients of these privileges.

Make no mistake, protesters waving Hamas banners and chanting “from the river to the sea” “globalize the intifada” are not supporting peace. They are calling for the destruction of Israel and death to the Jews who live there.

Furthermore, Khalil was caught on tape in a Montreal protest declaring that it was time to “explode the heads of Zionists.” (He’s reportedly the man in the hoodie.)

Legal permanent residents are still aliens subject to 8 USC 1182 and 8 USC 1227, and are deportable for expressing support for designated terrorist organizations or “terrorist activities,” as well as deportable for foreign policy grounds at the sole determination of the Secretary of State or Attorney General.

The federal government has broad jurisdiction over foreigners living in the U.S.

These are not crimes, but they don’t have to be. They are removal grounds under 8 USC 1182 and 8 USC 1227 are clear that no criminal conviction is required to remove aliens.

U.S. law is quite specific in grounds for deportation. Here’s the money shot:

Making ineligible all representatives of “a political, social, or other group that endorses or espouses terrorist activity.”

Weird, isn’t it? The same people who were jumping up and down demanding the arrest of anyone within a quarter mile of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, the people who last week couldn’t rise to honor a little boy with brain cancer, are falling all over themselves to defend Khalil.

Their hero! Another dubious martyr.

Scott Jennings, the loneliest man at CNN, explained perfectly why Khalil should be deported:

Khalil was the spokesman for CUAD, Columbia University Apartheid Divestment. This group celebrated the Oct. 7 massacre of Jews calling it a “moral, military and political victory” adding that “violence is the only way forward.”

And yes, this Islamist revolutionary supports the total destruction of Western civilization. We have no obligation to allow Khalil and others like him to remain in our country. Our Constitution is not a suicide pact.

But we know Democrats are a litigious bunch. It’s going to take a fierce court battle to boot their new hero back to the Middle East where he belongs. Ultimately, the Trump administration will prevail.

Khalil is here on a guest pass. That pass has been revoked. Cry harder, Democrats.

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