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Hey Kaine And Warner: Care To Explain Your Votes Allowing Males To Compete In Women Sports?

Lemme get this straight. Every single poll taken on the question of males competing against females in sports shows overwhelming opposition from the American public. The last survey I saw showed 79% of Americans believe that athletes should play on teams determined by their biological sex.

Yet every single Democrat senator voted against the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act on Monday.

Every. Damn. One.

A vote on the bill failed to gain the 60 votes needed to advance. Naturally, Virginia’s two political hucksters, Senator Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, are on the anti-female list. Perhaps Warner will post another insane car video on X explaining this vote against women.

The bill would ensure that Title IX protections are “based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.” 

These partisan hacks, who bloviate about being feminists and supporters of women, are fine with males parading naked in front of girls in locker rooms. They’re fine with men sashaying off with medals, honors and scholarships that belong to girls. They’re fine with males elbowing dedicated female athletes off podiums large and small.

You see, when Democrats say they “support women” what they really mean is they are ardent  abortion enthusiasts. They don’t care about girls or women who sweat and train to achieve athletic goals only to have their dreams stomped on by mediocre male athletes. 

When Dems see women, they only see one thing: abortion.

The excuses these hypocrites offered for their indefensible votes were laughable. From the provably false argument that males rarely compete as girls to the ridiculous notion to scare tactics about how this law would lead to girls being forced to endure invasive exams of their genitalia.

(When there’s a question about gender - and there rarely is - a simple cheek swab is all that’s needed. Geezus, stop already.)

Dems definitely don’t care about the track and field girls at Greely High School in Maine where a boy pretending to be a girl won the state pole vault last weekend. By six inches. 

Outkick reported it this way:

That thing that never happens has happened again. An 11th-grade trans-identifying male high school athlete won a Maine state title in girls' pole-vaulting, defeating the closest competitor by more than six inches. 

Katie Spencer, as the trans-identifying male is now known, is a member of the girls' track and field team at Greely High School in Cumberland, Maine. Spencer captured first place with a pole vault of 10-feet, 6-inches on Monday at the Class B state indoor meet. Spencer defeated two girls from Freeport High School, who tied for second, with their equal 10-foot vaults.

In addition, Greely won both the boys' and girls' team state indoor titles. Had Spencer competed in the boys' division, the athlete's jump would have tied for 10th out of 13 competitors.

Yep, that last sentence says it all. Pretending to be female is a way for mediocre male athletes to win ribbons and medals. Meanwhile, the girls who have trained hard to be their best are shoved aside.

Democrats are fine with this.

Remember Lia Thomas? The male University of Pennsylvania swimmer who decided he was a girl so he could win some titles? According to Swimming World Magazine he was ranked 554 as a male swimmer.

Just how much of an advantage did Lia Thomas possess over biological females? The numbers paint a clear picture. The fact that the University of Pennsylvania swimmer soared from a mid-500s ranking (554th in the 200 freestyle; all divisions) in men’s competition to one of the top-ranked swimmers in women’s competition tells the story of the unfairness which unfolded at the NCAA level.

At last night’s State of the Union Address (yes I know that a newly inaugurated president doesn’t actually give a SOTU speech) all of the Dem women dressed in virtue-signaling pink, like a bunch of unattractive girls hoping to get a sorority bid.

If they meant pink to signify their solidarity with women and girls they should have voted yes to keep men out of women’s sports.

They didn’t, so we’re left to assume they simply chose outfits to match those stupid vagina hats they all sported back in 2016.

Bad look, ladies.

NOTE: I’ve received scores of emails and text messages from listeners of “The Kerry and Mike Show” wondering what happened to the show this week. I’ve been out of town for a wedding and will be back Thursday morning. So sorry for any confusion!