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The Bratty Pack: Democrats In Congress

The Bratty Pack: Democrats In Congress

Nice try, Democrats. But comparing one congresswoman’s outburst - Marjorie Taylor Greene’s rude rejoinder during Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address - to the juvenile antics of dozens of Democrat brats on Tuesday night will not work.

They are not the same.

This was an orchestrated demonstration by a bunch of unruly toddlers, not the sort of behavior we should expect of members of US Congress. They carried stupid auction paddles, they heckled, booed, they turned their backs, walked out and the women wore pink, a nod to the hideous vagina hats they sported eight years ago. 

It was a spectacle. It was also political suicide. 

The party loathes Donald Trump with an irrational, unhinged, frothing-at-the-mouth sort of hatred. They hate him so much that they scrolled their phones, waved their silly paddles and rolled their eyes as the president honored a little boy - D.J.Daniel - by making him an agent of the Secret Service. DJ has been through 13 surgeries for brain cancer since receiving his terminal diagnosis a few years ago.

What kind of perverse monsters have these far-left politicians morphed into that they can’t set aside their venomous instincts long enough to salute a courageous kid who was given a terminal diagnosis before he hit middle school?


One Dem bravely stood up and cheered for the boy, N.Y. Rep. Laura Gillen. Kudos to her. Brave woman.

Trump really has broken the left. They learned nothing from November’s election results and are acting on pure rage and resentment now.

Frankly, it’s rather glorious to watch their unraveling.

Especially considering this was Trump’s best speech ever. He was optimistic, upbeat, the verbiage was tight and at times, funny. Polling after the event - even by leftist legacy media outlets - showed an overwhelming positive reaction from the audience watching at home.

Look, the State of the Union Address is always a partisan applause fest. It’s a tedious tradition that the opposition party refrains from applauding measures they do not support, while the majority party cheers wildly.

One half of the chamber leaps to its feet to clap, while the other half sits and scowls. We’ve seen it before.

Yet it’s also traditional that all rise and cheer for America. 

Especially for the feel-good “Skutniks.” (This term comes from the first guest honored by a president - Ronald Reagan. That man was Leonard Skutnik, a 29-year-old man who heroically dove into the icy Potomac River in 1982 to rescue a drowning woman from the Air Florida jet that had crashed upon takeoff into the 14th Street bridge.)

Ever since, presidents have invited a handful of select individuals to sit near the First Lady to be honored during the speech.

Trump chose the mothers of Laken Riley and 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray - both girls were murdered by illegal aliens. The stricken looks on these mothers’ faces as the president memorialized their slain daughters was heartbreaking. 

Still, the Dems were unmoved. 

In fact, they bristle whenever illegal alien criminals are mentioned. Their only response is to say that most crime is committed by American citizens. As if that excuses the murderous gangs and rapists that flowed into the country courtesy of Biden’s laissez-faire border policy.

There are reports that House Minority leader Hakeem Jeffries was disgusted with Tuesday night’s behavior. The only thing his Democrat minions had to do was act normal for 80 minutes but they couldn’t manage it.

Jeffries has a problem. 

Will Tuesday night’s speech help Trump? Will it do lasting damage to Democrats? 

By touting policies that are popular with almost 80% of the country, Trump increased his popularity. Democrats? They never learn.

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