Why must Nordstrom ruin our merry mood with a new ad campaign that positively murders the English language?
All in Grammar
Why must Nordstrom ruin our merry mood with a new ad campaign that positively murders the English language?
I don’t like to end the year on a negative note, but the English language? Doomed.
How do you tell your 12-year-old daughter that her mother - comma - who earns a living as a writer - comma - doesn't know a comma from a carburetor?
It’s not enough to post pictures on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter with sneering expressions of outrage. We’ve been doing that for years.
Is it asking too much that “breaking one’s silence” ought to mean something? There are times when folks actually do wait years or even decades to speak about delicate events.
Is there anything more annoying than people who don’t know the difference between “less” and “fewer”? No, there isn’t. Glad we agree on this.
“Every contract is VERBAL,” he’d scream. “Verbal means it’s composed of words. From the Latin verbalis.
“Look it up,” he’d order.
I can’t be the only one who recoils from a Christmas card cheerfully signed “Love, The Foster’s.”
The Foster’s what? I silently scream.