It takes cojones to stake out a position and put your name on it. It takes nothing to voice an opinion while hiding behind a digital shrub.
All in Politics
It takes cojones to stake out a position and put your name on it. It takes nothing to voice an opinion while hiding behind a digital shrub.
No one should question this veteran’s patriotism. Especially not someone who concocted a fiction about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia, as Hillary did during one of her flights of fancy.
We can’t be sure this attack on religious institutions won’t spread like a virus to the other Democratic candidates.
I’m old enough to remember when you found friends who shared your interests and sense of humor, politics had nothing to do with it.
What’s not understandable and is - unfortunately - legal, is Wilson’s decision to run for the Beach seat.
Maybe this is what happens after almost three years of over-hyped scandals: Growing indifference to the latest Washington hysteria.
Question is, who’s hurt worse by this: the president or the front-runner for the Democratic nomination.
I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that a delighted Bernie Madoff sent a smuggled campaign contribution to Biden. After all, he’s a non-violent convict.
Now that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s traveling minstrel show has been discovered, it seems your blackface problem is a lot like our blackface problem.
Anyone who believes that taking a second run at Brett Kavanaugh is a winning 2020 election strategy for Democrats is delusional.
Despite her incessant phony giggling, we’re beginning to get a picture of the true Kamala Harris.
Does Wilson think no one is going to notice that she’s been on city council since the turn of the freaking century? Nineteen long years? Where has she been all this time?
Going door to door to grab guns from folks in 1994 was considered a fool’s errand.
Sources say Councilman Aaron Rouse led the charge that resulted in Dave Hansen’s resignation.
Booker has a law degree - from Yale - and doesn’t seem to know the difference between a constitutional right and privilege.