Greed caused the airlines to sacrifice comfort for sardine-seating. There’s nothing left for passengers in coach to do now but slug it out amongst themselves.
All in Rants & Raves
Greed caused the airlines to sacrifice comfort for sardine-seating. There’s nothing left for passengers in coach to do now but slug it out amongst themselves.
Give Hollywood lefties a statue and a mic and there’s no shutting them up.
Why don’t the poor just shop at Whole Foods like everyone else? They sell the creamiest camembert around and their little bags of gourmet granola are so much healthier than those no-name “toasted Os” cereals they sell at the dollar joints.
The left should be ashamed of itself for filling kids heads with this sort of fear-mongering claptrap.
Fire their derrières. Sack every single person who took part in this sadistic exercise.
What’s next, I often wondered. Will we have to call them “uninvited guests”?
Why stop with babies? I’d like to have a map that showed every passenger who’d eaten garlic in the past 24 hours.
The government should keep its paws and laws off of adults who want to vape.
Stuffy Catholics are griping that it’s wrong to use the annunciation to sell stuff. They’re demanding Amazon take the “Band Practice” ad off the air or substitute something else in the soundtrack.
Apparently, it’s fine for the filthy rich to waste millions of gallons of fossil fuels on private jets, as long as they pay up in carbon offsets. The serfs? They can pedal their bicycles.
They say the ideal sleeping temperature during the hottest months is at least 82 degrees. What is this, prison?
If you want to read a ripe slice of cowardly governmental gibberish, peruse the latest Washington guidelines regarding airborne animals.
Fredo is the same as the N word to Italians? Laughable. Another example of clueless white privilege.
The feds need to treat Epstein like a Faberge egg. They simply must keep him safe, even if that means moving him to a more remote location and keeping eyes and cameras on him 24/7.
If you visit my house in summer, bundle up. I like to keep the thermostat at 69. One degree higher than I keep the heat in winter.
We all know what’s going on here. If we’re honest. It has nothing to do with sports. It’s all about politics.