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Hey Joe, What Happened To The Climate Crisis?

I’m confused.

President Joe Biden claims that climate change is the major crisis of our time. Yet he and his wife have been jetting back and forth to Europe multiple times a week, without any concern for the rest of America, roasting here in record heat or up to our chins in flood waters.

It’s almost as if he doesn’t really believe that human behavior is causing the climate to change.

In his State of the Union Address this year Biden spoke forcefully about the need to act to save the planet.

“I see a future where we save the planet from the climate crisis…We are also making history by confronting the climate crisis, not denying it.”

Biden went on to brag that his goal of cutting America’s greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 is “the most significant action on climate ever in the history of the world.”

The president’s been bloviating about climate change, ooops, the climate CRISIS, for several years.

In remarks at a Massachusetts power station in 2022 Biden said the following:

Climate change is literally an existential threat to our nation and to the world. I said last week and I’ll say it again loud and clear: As President, I’ll Use my executive powers to combat climate - the climate crisis - in the absence of congressional action.”

“In the coming days my administration will announce the executive actions we have developed to combat this emergency. We need to act.”

He went on at some length about extreme weather events, which he blamed on our reckless behavior.

OK, we get it.

What I don’t get is why Joe and Dr. Jill have been jetting back and forth between the U.S. and Europe this week as if they’re a couple of filthy rich polluting Hollywood stars.

The First Couple flew to France for the D-Day commemoration. Then Jill jetted back for her stepson’s gun trial in Delaware, turning around to fly back to Paris the very next day.

Was that trip necessary? Is Joe so impaired he can’t be without his minder for more than 24 hours?

The president flew back to Delaware on Sunday.

It’s worth noting that environmentalists claim that jet travel is a significant contributor to climate change. Science, you know! Jets spew carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen oxides or carbon monoxide − bonding with oxygen to become CO 2 upon release. Oh and don’t forget all of those  “atmospheric particulates (incompletely burned hydrocarbons, sulfur oxides and black carbon).”

In other words, disciples of the man-made climate change doctrine really ought to stop flying.

Not the Bidens, though.

Joe was back in the air Wednesday morning heading for the Group of 7 summit in Italy, just 60 hours after he landed on American soil Sunday. Perhaps he’s trying to appear vigorous. If so, it didn’t work. He appeared comatose at a Juneteenth concert and garbled his words during several attempts to speak.

The climate “crisis” apparently took a backseat to Hunter Biden’s gun trial, as even The New York Times was forced to note that Joe’s excuse - obligations in Washington - was weak. The Times characterized his schedule in Washington this week as “light.” (In other words, a normal workload for the part-time president.)

There’s more.

I know it’s crass to talk about money, but ABC reported that although the DNC is picking up a tiny bit of the tab for Dr. Jill’s jet-setting, we the people get to pay for most of it.

“Taxpayers will front the majority of first lady Dr. Jill Biden's travel between Paris, France, and Wilmington, Delaware, last week when she broke away early after D-Day commemorations to attend Hunter Biden’s trial, only to return to Paris a day later, “ reported ABC.”

“According to the National Taxpayers Union Foundation, the cost of the one-way trip from the airport in Paris to the airport in Wilmington, Delaware, is about $111,500, based on an eight-hour flight and the Air Force's hourly reimbursement rate charged to other federal agencies for use of a Boeing C-32 (the type of plane Dr. Biden usually flies in, for security reasons). Dr. Biden made a round trip from Paris to Wilmington for an estimated $223,000.

The cost of a first-class ticket from Paris to Wilmington is $6,655, per a search on Google flights which would suggest the DNC will pay $13,310 instead of the full $223,000. That leaves an outstanding balance of around $209,690 to be paid for out of taxpayer funds.

Thanks to Bidenomics a growing number of Americans say they are skipping meals to save money on groceries, according to new survey.

The optics of this wealthy couple blithely hopscotching between the U.S. and Europe, leaving a trail of hydrocarbons in their wake, is not good. Especially if you believe that the climate is an “existential threat to our nation.”