Carter has been the recipient of piles of too-generous publicity since he left office.
All tagged Democrats
Carter has been the recipient of piles of too-generous publicity since he left office.
As one of his final acts as governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo granted clemency to David Gilbert, a member of the terrorist group The Weather Underground, who was sentenced to 75 years to life for the infamous 1981 Brink’s Robbery that left two police officers and one security guard dead
Under her leadership it looks like Democrats lost at least 8 seats in the House, when they’d been gleefully predicting gains of about 15.
In fact, the latest nutty talking points from Democrats could have been written by Lewis Carroll.
Are House Democrats insane? Did they think Virginians wouldn’t notice this misuse of public funds?
These Virginia Democrats knew one thing: That flag had to go. Screw Independence Day. Who wants to trigger the local criminals?
Virginia doesn’t have early voting. That meant Biden’s post-South Carolina surge was powerful in the Old Dominion. Still think early voting is a good idea, Democrats?
Turns out there are some anti-gun measures that even Virginia Democrats can’t stomach.
There are exactly eight Ivy League colleges in the US while there are more than 4,000 other colleges. Insult our beloved alma maters at your peril.
Funny, I don’t remember GOP Speaker John Boehner muttering to himself, shaking his head, flipping papers and urging hecklers to interrupt Barack Obama.
I also don’t remember him coordinating his outfit with the other fellas in his party.
If it seems that the majority in Richmond is suddenly coddling criminals and cracking down on law-abiding gun owners, they are.
The senator from Vermont is being Brett Kavanaughed. By rivals in his own party.
The country is ready to put this pointless political charade in the rear view.
Many of us cannot understand how a politician who postures as a devout Catholic can also be one of the biggest abortion enthusiasts in the country.
You would think former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley could control himself on the eve of America’s most beloved holiday. You would be wrong.
This is what happens when Michael Bloomberg and abortion enthusiasts bankroll candidates.