Carter has been the recipient of piles of too-generous publicity since he left office.
All tagged President Trump
Carter has been the recipient of piles of too-generous publicity since he left office.
In fact, the latest nutty talking points from Democrats could have been written by Lewis Carroll.
George Conway’s behavior was that of a pudgy, middle-aged mean girl.
It quickly became clear that some who loathe Trump would rather Americans get sick and die from Covid-19 than benefit from a drug touted by the president.
No one wants to see the leader of the Free World huddled behind his desk wearing a surgical mask any more than we wanted to see Jimmy Carter shivering in a cardigan because he’d lowered the White House thermostat to save energy.
No sooner had President Trump said that he was encouraged by this development and optimistic the drugs could be a game changer than the crepe-hangers in the press emerged
Ret. Navy Captain James Sherlock says the older generation knows what to do. No need for the governor to wreck the economy to protect them.
The Trump administration is asking for $2.5 billion to fight the virus. Hell, Congress should allocate $3 billion. For once, politicians should make a show of working together to protect the health of citizens.
Funny, I don’t remember GOP Speaker John Boehner muttering to himself, shaking his head, flipping papers and urging hecklers to interrupt Barack Obama.
I also don’t remember him coordinating his outfit with the other fellas in his party.
It’s one thing to attack the president. He’s fair game. But it’s quite another to launch attacks at the president's supporters. The very people needed if the left wants to unseat the president in November.
Last time I checked, Spence was pocketing at least $257,200 a year from Virginia Beach taxpayers while pushing nutty initiatives.
The country is ready to put this pointless political charade in the rear view.
This is semantic warfare. Political opponents parse every sentence, every word uttered by political adversaries, searching for an opportunity to take offense.
Maybe this is what happens after almost three years of over-hyped scandals: Growing indifference to the latest Washington hysteria.
Question is, who’s hurt worse by this: the president or the front-runner for the Democratic nomination.
Despite her incessant phony giggling, we’re beginning to get a picture of the true Kamala Harris.
The year 1619 was a notable one for Jamestown not only because because the first Virginia General Assembly convened, but because it also marked the arrival of the first African slaves in Jamestown.