Double this if you have more guests or want to save it in the fridge or the freezer.
Double this if you have more guests or want to save it in the fridge or the freezer.
Champion athlete and accidental feminist. Poised, proud and witty. Listen to her speak for an hour and you’ll be convinced this smart and attractive dynamo can accomplish almost anything.
The White House someday? I wouldn’t be surprised.
Biden seems to be physically and mentally deteriorating so quickly that his staff may want to get the debates over early. Waiting until September might mean Biden rolls out in adult diapers and a wheelchair. The man isn’t well.
Virginia Beach city government already has a media relations department. It would be nice if the media acted independently and challenged the city’s spin now and then.
There is one group in our community that is clearly detached from the economic reality that Beach residents - and all Americans - understand and experience each day.
That group is the Virginia Beach City Council.
Since 2020 we’ve gathered with family to celebrate mothers in picturesque parts of Virginia. This year we found ourselves in a sprawling log cabin on Lake Anna. Big enough for 11 of us - plus three dogs.
It's taken me years to figure out why my mother never let me win at checkers, told me to fight my own battles and insisted on being unblinkingly honest.
This dish is rumored to be the result of chefs using leftovers to create the ultimate egg dish. It can be infused with whatever you want to use as long as it is in balance.
Not only is Joe Biden is a very bad man who is terrible at his job, but he is in league with the enemies of Western Civilization.
Why exactly does Maine need female construction workers? Are the men doing inferior work? Is there evidence that women are clamoring for these jobs but no one will hire them? Or is she just virtue signaling?
The woke crowd has watered down an adventure organization that once meant something to American boys into a meaningless, virtue-signaling, feminized, social club.
During an interview Sunday on “Face the Nation” Noem stuck a fork in her political career when asked about the bodacious claim in her autobiography that she’d gone eyeball to eyeball with North Korea’s butterball.
When the weather turned wet on Friday these delicate revolutionaries defied no-tent orders and began unpacking their nylon shelters, pointing to an old UVA guideline that seemed to exempt recreational tents from the no-tent rule.
As if this was an outdoor club on a nature retreat.
Imagine a world where civil discourse triumphs over the divisive rhetoric saturating our daily lives.
When a pro-Palestinian group erected tents Tuesday near the University Chapel in imitation of encampments at other campuses, university authorities quickly told them to take down the structures, for which they had not obtained permits.
After a 10-day nap, Joe Biden rallied long enough on Thursday to weakly denounce the stomach-turning anti-Semitism sweeping American campuses.
Of course, in his one-minute declaration, Biden threw a bone to the Death-To-America wing of the Democrat Party by also denouncing “Islamophobia.”
Biden’s timing is impeccable, isn’t it? Not a single sentient American watching the news right now is in the mood to forgive ANY student debt. Not even for those who were swindled out of tuition in sketchy schools.
Look, the pandemic is over. There is no need for anyone to be wearing a mask in public. Especially not the Death-to-America crowd that’s rioting and trespassing on the grounds of Virginia Tech and Virginia Commonwealth University.
The organizers blamed the weather for the poor turnout, but there wasn’t a drop of rain, just chilly late April temperatures.